Record-playing Rituals?

I'm curious what everybody's riuals are when listening to albums. How often do you clean the records? Every Time? How often do you clean and lubricate the stylus? Every time?

Alright, ixnay on the GlasPlus. The pigment in the cleaner accumulates in the groove which will prevent the record from playing 'cleanly' dry. Back to the straight isopropyl alcohol. Sigh.

Don't try this at home - I am a professional?

Cody Grayland
Anybody experience their cleaning fluid getting moldy? I have to clean out my VPI every so often, I don't want to put the mold onto records. I have the gallon jug on the floor beside the VPI.

There have been many reports over the years of VPI's cleaning fluid growing mold. IMO, the best solution is to dispose of it, in an environmentally safe way of course, and use something better.

A perusal of this thread will turn up many, err, solutions. RRL is my preference.
Thanks, Doug, I've been seeing good news about the RRL, I've got to place an order with Music Direct today so I'll have them send me the stuff. I've been complaining to my local store about the problem but he says any cleaner does the same thing. It would be very good for me if he's wrong.
Um, he's wrong.

What he probably meant was, "Any cleaner (that we sell) does the same thing." ;-)

It's been several months since I last ordered RRL, but at that time Galen Carol had the best price IIRC.