Record-playing Rituals?

I'm curious what everybody's riuals are when listening to albums. How often do you clean the records? Every Time? How often do you clean and lubricate the stylus? Every time?

I take the dresired record from it's sleeve, put it on the 'table, clap it down with a Black Diamomd Racing carbon fiber record clamp. The best clamp I've used including the new VPI delrin/stainless. It cost $350 though. I set my stylus in the Zerodust not once but twice. Then I appy some Stylast to a Benz brush and carefully apply some stylast to the stylus. Then I break out a lighted magnifing glass and check to make sure my sylus is spotless. I turn on the 'table giving the clamp a little twist to help bring it up to speed. Then I use a Demma carbon fiber to clean the dust and other malfuntions off the record. Then I lower the stylus and enjoy. If it's winter and static is a problem I zap the record and arm with a Zerostst until I hear no more zaps.
I had a jug of VPI cleaner turn green. Plus Harry recomends adding alcohol. A big no-no. I bought some Disc Doctor solution. It works fine and is claimed to have a indefinate shelf life. I like the VPI 16.5, but I'd steer clear of VPI cleaners.
Scottht, I would check out LAST record presevative and Stylast as well. I have records I've played over and over: no wear, no clicks, no pops. As far as Stylast is concered the only people who don't like it sell cartidges for a living. You do have to apply judiously making sure none of it travels up the cantilever. Your stylus will last 3000+ hours. In fact your compliance and suspenion will give out first. Your stylus builds up tremendous heat from the friction to the point it actually mealts the groove as it passes by. With stylast that won't happen. So between LAST and Stylast you can play record indefitly.
I apply LAST right after a good cleaning with a 16.5 and they say it's good for 200 plays allthough I know I have records I've played more than that!! Good Luck and good listening
I took the LP out, I put it in a kitchen alu double foil to deal with statics, put on the platter, use a fiber carbon cleaner to remove any small dust particle, look at the stylus (if not ok clean with a small brush, else sand paper - not often), fire!!!

Turn 'stereo' on and let warm up at least 15minutes
Take our record
take dust cover off NAD533
put record platter and hit the power
dust record with carbon brush as it spins
put weight on record
drop the needle

i wet clean records when i get 'em
dry clean them with carbon brush off platter after they have been sitting for a while
use brush then gel on needle every week
demag with Cardas burn-in record every week

Don't have a cleaning machine and aint gonna get one.
Records woulkd probably benefit from such a machine but the records sounds real good as is and any wear down to my needle is appreciated because it will neccessitate upgrading. ;-)