TT/ cartridge recommendations $1000

I recently bought a Rogue 99/88 preamp/amp combo and Meadowlark Shearwater Hot Rod speakers and want to enjoy my old vinyl again. Can I get a new TT/cartridge combo that will work well with this combo for about $1000 or less ? Thanks for your recommendations.
Musicdoc.I disagre.For 1K used I bought a Well Tempered clasic with the Clasic tonearm and a BenzMicr Glider with low hours on it.
I have had CD/DAC combos worth 3/4k which where trashed by the 1K viynl rig.
Thanks for all the feedback folks. You're right Music Doc I have but some bucks into this system. I don't want to totally cheap out on this but on the other hand every person has their limits and $3K is just too much for a new front end for me. I might spring for $1500 at most. Most of my listening will still be CDs.

Could any of you share your thoughts:1) on a Rega Planar 3 with the Rega Elys cartridge vs the Shure V15VxMR vs a Goldring 1042 ?
or would I be better off to

2)Go to a good reliable source(dealer) for a used Well Tempered or VPI ?

Thanks again. I have learned a ton on Audiogon and appreciate all the thoughtful comments. Big O
leafs, yer analog rig will compete succesfully w/the best redbook cd rigs out there, at *any* price.

bigo, *definitely* go used, yer ears will thank ya for it! ;~)

doug s.

Leafs: Your situation is indeed a rarity, and I'm happy for you that you scored a good rig on the cheap.
Bigo: If you're willing to go 1.5K, then I'd advise using something like a Grado Prestige series cartridge on a 1.5K used table and arm. You can always upgrade the cartridge later when funds allow. Perhaps a good used table and a new Origin Live modified Rega RB-250 would fit the bill.

Come to think of it, another line that you may consider is the Eurokit (renamed Scheu) tables marketed by Audio Advancements. Their entry-level table with an O.L. arm might fit the budget, and all indications are that they sound pretty good. Just a thought, -John
hi musicdoc,

my oracle cost me $850 w/a grace 727 tonearm & some decent mm cartridge i don't even remember, cuz i told the dealer to keep it. 'course, i spent money on it to have it updated to to mk-v specs (everyting except the power supply), so, the final cost (including shipping & a gnu box purchased from oracle) was $1250. excellent analog rigs *can* be found for around $1k...

regards, doug s.