bigo, years ago (1977?!?), i spent $100 on an ortofon in lieu of getting a gnu 'table to replace the 1229. it *did* make a big difference... a gnu cartridge may tide ewe over until that great deal on a used 'table comes along...
gregm, i sure *hope* that s-line clavis blows me away! ;~) and, pink triangles are also excellent, don't tink they've been mentioned either. the mapleknoll 'tables, while a pita w/their air-bearing arm/platters, are also giant-killers.
psychicanimal, nuttin' more conwenient and reliable than a one-switch on-off button, imho. the oracle's awreddy seen 20+ years w/o a glitch - no reason it won't go 20 more years! :>) btw, dint ya do a bunch of upgrades to yer technics?
sylmar-tommy, this one's fer ewe: ;~)
doug s.
ps - psychic, wpfw in dc, does a "latin-flavor" show m-f 9-10; all cuban last nite! my onix tuna w/soap power supply & aps roof-mount antenna will smoke that 1200 of yers! ;~)