$800 Cartridge Shootout and Upgrade Path

I am putting together an analog system, starting with the cartridge. I like a well-balanced sound with a slightly lush midrange and excellent extension at the frequency extremes. The cartridge should be a reasonably good tracker. Here are my choices:

1. Dynavector Karat 17D MkII
2. Shelter 501
3. Sumiko Black Bird
4. Grado Statement Master
5. Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood

Which one comes closest to my wish list? Which one would you choose?

Here are the upgrade cartridges to the above list, one of which would be purchased later:

1. Shelter 901
2. Benz Micro L2
3. Grado Statement Reference
4. Koetsu Black

Which one comes closest to my wish list? Which one would you choose?

Now, which turntable/tonearm combination (for new equipment up to $4,500) would you choose to handle a cartridge from the first group and the upgrade cartridge from the second group?

Any help you can provide is greatly welcomed. Thanks!
Artar, it is important to match the tonearm and cartridge well. If you want to use a "pretty" unipivot tonearm, then the ZYX will give a better match than the Shelter. In fact, the ZYX will be much more likely to match alot of other tonearms, due to its compliance rating of 15cu. When you get into the lower compliance cartridges like Shelter, Koetsu, Denon DL103, it is much more difficult to get a proper match with the currently available crop of tonearms.
I think the low compliance cartridges give the sound I like, but the ZYX cartridges are excellent, and they are easier to match to most tonearms.

Perhaps you can find a happy matchup with a nice pretty Morch or Schroeder, and a ZYX cartridge.
Artar1: For the tonearm the Morch DP6 will be a very good choice. You don't have to worry about the compliance of the cartridge because the Morch tonearm has different mass arm wands and you can match with any cartridge. BTW, Acoustic Signature hands down Teres.
Regards and enjoy the music.
I believe the Schroeder model 2 is below $2k, plus it shares the same string suspension and magnetic damping of its more expensive brethren.
Is the Schroeder 2 still available? I thought he'd consolidated the line. One person I know with a Schroeder 2 and TriPlanar IV prefers the 2, so I assume it has much of the sonic neutrality of the Reference. That would be a good thing.

Artar 1,
To respond directly to one of your old questions, the SME 309 was designed for higher compliance catridges. It is too light to be a good match for a ZYX and would be even worse for a Shelter. I suppose a 312 would work with a ZYX, as would a IV or V.

FWIW, I've been spinning vinyl on my own TT's since 1967, and on my parents' since about 1959. Again, people like TWL have experience with a much wider array of high end gear. For those keeping track, we're up to 14 months with our current rig. Please adjust your barbs accordingly! ;-)
Nobody knows it all. We're all continually learning. That's part of the fun of this hobby.