Because you built your Teres from scratch, it might be useful for some of us if you were to describe the process for us and to comment on the overall quality of the turntable, if you wouldn't mind. I think that would be very instructive and helpful for some of us newbees, like me.
Well, youre not the only one who has blown his budget all to hell. If youve heard of A Bridge too Far, right, well my analog saga is becoming A Turntable too Much! Lets see, my budget started out at $3,000 for the turntable, tonearm, and cartridge. Now its over five big ones! Help! As of today, I am up to a Teres 255, an Origin Live Illustrious, and a Shelter 501. Why the Illustrious? Hey, I just love that name, dont you? It looks a little better than the Encounter (I can just see Twl rolling his eyes!), and it has a few more refinements that I like. What concerns me about both the Encounter and the Illustrious is that in some photos it appears that the back end of the arm base is hanging over the edge of the arm board mount, which would be aesthetically unacceptable for me. If this proves to be the case, I will ask Teres to make sure that the arm board mount for my Teres is made larger so there will be no overhang. If they refuse, then its back to the Moerch DP-6.
>>I know people who spend shitloads of money on their analog rigs. I'm trying not to. In fact, the best "analog" purchase I made was my Supratek.<<
Right on! Thats one hell-of-a preamp by anyones standards! If I had it to do over again, I would buy the Supratek Cortese. But I own a Klyne System 7 line stage that certainly outperforms my Conrad-Johnson PV14L and my Proceed AVP-5. In fact, I have no criticisms of the Klyne so its difficult for me to justify taking a $2,000 loss by selling it to buy the Cortese.
Hey, if you like the DL103R, I say go with it. Dont let anyone talk you out of it. I can certainly support you one that one.