$800 Cartridge Shootout and Upgrade Path

I am putting together an analog system, starting with the cartridge. I like a well-balanced sound with a slightly lush midrange and excellent extension at the frequency extremes. The cartridge should be a reasonably good tracker. Here are my choices:

1. Dynavector Karat 17D MkII
2. Shelter 501
3. Sumiko Black Bird
4. Grado Statement Master
5. Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood

Which one comes closest to my wish list? Which one would you choose?

Here are the upgrade cartridges to the above list, one of which would be purchased later:

1. Shelter 901
2. Benz Micro L2
3. Grado Statement Reference
4. Koetsu Black

Which one comes closest to my wish list? Which one would you choose?

Now, which turntable/tonearm combination (for new equipment up to $4,500) would you choose to handle a cartridge from the first group and the upgrade cartridge from the second group?

Any help you can provide is greatly welcomed. Thanks!


Because you built your Teres from scratch, it might be useful for some of us if you were to describe the process for us and to comment on the overall quality of the turntable, if you wouldn't mind. I think that would be very instructive and helpful for some of us newbees, like me.

Well, you’re not the only one who has blown his budget all to hell. If you’ve heard of “A Bridge too Far,” right, well my analog saga is becoming “A Turntable too Much!” Let’s see, my budget started out at $3,000 for the turntable, tonearm, and cartridge. Now it’s over five big ones! Help! As of today, I am up to a Teres 255, an Origin Live Illustrious, and a Shelter 501. Why the Illustrious? Hey, I just love that name, don’t you? It looks a little better than the Encounter (I can just see Twl rolling his eyes!), and it has a few more refinements that I like. What concerns me about both the Encounter and the Illustrious is that in some photos it appears that the back end of the arm base is hanging over the edge of the arm board mount, which would be aesthetically unacceptable for me. If this proves to be the case, I will ask Teres to make sure that the arm board mount for my Teres is made larger so there will be no overhang. If they refuse, then it’s back to the Moerch DP-6.

>>I know people who spend shitloads of money on their analog rigs. I'm trying not to. In fact, the best "analog" purchase I made was my Supratek.<<

Right on! That’s one hell-of-a preamp by anyone’s standards! If I had it to do over again, I would buy the Supratek Cortese. But I own a Klyne System 7 line stage that certainly outperforms my Conrad-Johnson PV14L and my Proceed AVP-5. In fact, I have no criticisms of the Klyne so it’s difficult for me to justify taking a $2,000 loss by selling it to buy the Cortese.

Hey, if you like the DL103R, I say go with it. Don’t let anyone talk you out of it. I can certainly support you one that one.
Artar1, I am not a materials engineer and so cannot comment on your speculations about the various materials. What matters, of course, is the resulting sound quality, and I can vouch for the sound quality of the solid aluminum base in the ALU model. I have no doubt that the Galibier Quattro Supreme would be even better, but that was beyond my price limit. For what it's worth, the designer Thom Mackris says the the platter upgrade makes a much more significant improvement in sound quality than the upgraded base. I will be finding that out shortly when my new Teflon/aluminum platter arrives.



It's great to hear about your platter upgrade! Let us know how it sounds. I think we're all eager to hear.



It’s always a good idea to be nice to your wife. Luda asked what I wanted for my birthday, which is fast approaching. I said, “How’s about a contribution to my turntable savings account?” She said, Will five or six hundred do?" “Why certainly!” I replied. I am getting closer guys. : > )

My favorite music for vinyl is classical. That type of music was what I bought first in any abundance, and it is what I am buying now despite the fact I don’t have a turntable. It’s a risk buy so to speak, but I feel that I have to get back into the vinyl game in some way. Shoot, by the time I actually get my turntable, I will have about a hundred albums. Now I know that’s a puny record collection to many, but it’s like diamonds to me!

I will have to say that even with rock, vinyl reigns supreme over CDs. Even though I listen to classic music, what got me going toward vinyl was hearing “Gloria” by the late Laura Branigan. The music was so sublime, the beat was so hot, and her voice was so real and in the room with me I literally jumped out of my chair and commenced to flail myself about has if I had become possessed by the Almighty. Wow! Rock was meant to be heard from a vinyl record on a great analog front end. The music I experienced that moment was better than any live concert of amplified music I have ever heard!
ARtar, it sounds like you are really having fun with all this, and I hope you continue to enjoy this process. With the various selections you are choosing from, you are bound to get very good sound.

Just enjoy yourself and get the things that make you happy.

We are just trying to provide some insight that will help you to make your decisions about some of the details.

Regarding your questions about motor controllers, there are some things about DC motors that need to be known. First, they can be the smoothest way to rotate the platter. But, they have no "speed lock" like AC synchronous motors do, and the speed can slow down over the course of playing a record, unless something is done to keep it at speed. This is due to "stylus drag" and it can add up to a significant loss of speed over the 20-30 minutes of an LP side. There have been a variety of methods employed to keep the DC motors at correct speed, and they all have their plusses and minuses. The bottom line is that the heavier the platter is, with more rotational momentum, the less likely that stylus drag will significantly affect the speed. With the heavier platters, even a TT which uses speed controls will not have to engage in compensating pulses to the motor very often, if the platter stays at correct speed in the first place. I have a Teres(as you know) and it even has the lightest platter in the Teres lineup. The motor housing has some LED's on it to show when the speed has changed significantly enough to apply a correction. In fact, the red(correction)LED light never comes on during play. It only comes on when the platter is first starting up, and seeking 33.3rpm. Then the green light comes on and stays there throughout the LP side. So I really don't even see any corrections taking place, because the heavy platter keep it rotationally stable. However, I do know that if something severe happened to the platter speed, that the controller would account for the change immediately. Also, the Teres uses a strobe on the platter to continuously monitor the speed. This is quite different than monitoring motor speed, because if there is belt-slippage, the motor will "see" correct speed, but the platter could be off-speed. We always want to know the platter speed is correct.