$800 Cartridge Shootout and Upgrade Path

I am putting together an analog system, starting with the cartridge. I like a well-balanced sound with a slightly lush midrange and excellent extension at the frequency extremes. The cartridge should be a reasonably good tracker. Here are my choices:

1. Dynavector Karat 17D MkII
2. Shelter 501
3. Sumiko Black Bird
4. Grado Statement Master
5. Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood

Which one comes closest to my wish list? Which one would you choose?

Here are the upgrade cartridges to the above list, one of which would be purchased later:

1. Shelter 901
2. Benz Micro L2
3. Grado Statement Reference
4. Koetsu Black

Which one comes closest to my wish list? Which one would you choose?

Now, which turntable/tonearm combination (for new equipment up to $4,500) would you choose to handle a cartridge from the first group and the upgrade cartridge from the second group?

Any help you can provide is greatly welcomed. Thanks!
Rushton is right on the money concerning my "bright" characterisation of the Rhea. To put things in context I was moving from a MMF 7/834P setup to a Basis 2001/Rhea combination. So it is understandable that at the time I would get this as a first impression. What little I have heard the BAT VK P10SE I would say that unit is a tad warmer than the Rhea, but they are really close. I would really love to hear an IO someday.

I haven't looked seriously into what tubes I might use in the Rhea but I will probably seek professional advice as it is critical to get the right, read quiet, tubes in the first stage.
Interesting and informative thread. While considering the arguements of which part of the analog playback system has the most impact another option occured to me. In my limited experience #1 on the 'order of importance' is the record itself. The quality of the recording, mastering, pressing, etc.. ultimately determines how good any turntable will sound. Therefore the largest expenditures should be on the vinyl itself. Sorry to fly off on another tangent.
Actually, the largest impact is provided by the musicians.
Therefore your largest expenditures should go to them.