Superb PHONO Preamp ?

There are now some very interesting Phono Preamps out there.
Sooner or later I am interested to buy one, beside my existing Stan Klyne 7 PX 3.5
I was very interested in the newest Design from
Aesthetix Io phono Signature Version.

Now I heard from 2 other units which caught my attenttion, the
Tom Evans Design " The Groove "
and from
Manley , the " Steelhead ".
I don't have much info about them - beside their Websites - but I heard some interesting things.

Is someone out there who owns one of these units or has compared one of these to others and can give a little info ?
I use always MC's, I prefer low output, that means, around 0.20 mV.
The Klyne can handle this WITHOUT ANY Problems, and I would like to have another Phono amp TO DO this SAME way.

These are all units which - I imagine -, will only be bought from REAL ANALOG specialists, so this info could be very interesting.

( Please don't write me stories from Linn, Audio Research etc. ,these are not in this class )
Thomasheisig, I can't offer a comparison of the units you mention, but I have recently added the new Aesthetix Io Signature, with optional second power supply, to my system. This simply is an incredible phonostage. As you might expect, detail, quickness, timbre, imaging, etc, etc, are all you would expect of a high performing phonostage. What continues to amaze me are: harmonic truthfulness, soundstaging (as opposed to pure lateral imaging), bass reproduction, and dynamics. The dynamic swings this thing makes are almost scary. You can just be cruising along and then suddenly, out of nowhere, can come this huge transient that will cause you to jump. In addition, it just seems not to have any limitations on how far it can continue to track along with a big dynamic change in music volume. The power reserve just seems endless.

I've actively engaged in this crazy shared passion or ours for 30 years now, and the Io Signature is one of the most incredibly satisfying pieces of gear I've ever had the pleasure of listening to. It suits perfectly my biases in favor of acoustic music, accurate reproduction of complex harmonic overtones (a magic that I still find only with the best tube electronics), timbral accuracy and soundstaging.

For further point of reference, the balance of the system includes Atma-Sphere MA-2 Mk2.2 amplifiers and Avalon Eidolon speakers. While I don't use a low output cartridge, I've spoken with a number of Io owners who do (e.g., 0.2mv Koetsu Rosewood Signatures) and who report that the Io has no trouble at all with the low output as long as you pay proper attention to keeping low noise tubes in the first stage of amplification. As delivered from the factory, this is not a problem.

Best wishes and good luck in your search for a phonostage that will have the right balance of characteristics and synergy with your system. The Io Signature has the right balance of characteristics for me and my system.
Thomasheisig, Albert Porter here. You will most likely recall our email discussions 6 months ago where I advised you that the Io was to eventually be available as a "Signature" version. You were interested in one at that time, and still appear to be on the search for the ultimate phono.

I am pleased that Rushton has spoken his mind, and said almost word for word my opinion of the Io.

Should you choose another route, you will have to eventually return to the decision to buy an Io to obtain the ultimate performance.

Much less strain and expense to do it correctly the first time.

The connoisseur definitioins 4.0 phonostage was recently awarded the COTY by the prestigious Japanese Stereo magazine.It is regarded as the best of the best, Its principal designer is Jonathon Carr of Lyra Helikon fame,
building on the original superb Mares designed phonostage.
It has not been sold out of Japan before, and is regarded
by Japanese audiophiles as simply the best available.
But the same magazine gave the first position to Linn Linto and Connoisseur the fourth position in the phono section,does that mean that the Linn Linto should be taken into consideration if you consider the large price margin between the two.
hi Extremephono, your comments on the Io being bigger, lusher, and slower are counter to my experience. I agree with Rushton and Albert. The Io seems very neutral to me. If you mate the the Io with a neutral arm like my Graham 2.2 it will be quite neutral, if you are using say, a VPI arm, it will be more rounded and lush. Same with phono cables, my XLO Sig. was slightly warm whereas the Quattro fil i am currently using is more neutral. I recently lucked into a used Clearaudio Insider Gold that is very neutral and vivid compared to my Koetsu RSP II. There is nothing lush, slow or noisey about the Insider/Io combo.

I would expect the ss phono stages to be slightly quieter than the Io, but other than that issue i believe the Io to be outstanding in every parameter. I think the Io is very flexible and will reflect the associated gear it is matched to and not color or assign it's own signature.

I am leaning toward the Io signature; I don't think my small room can handle the heat from 2 power supplies.