VPI record cleaning system

I was offered an older VPI Hw16 at a fairly reasonable fee. Does anyone out there know the difference between a 16 and 16.5, or IS there a difference? Thanks
Difference is mostly in the basic design - vacuum arm is mounted on the cover on the 16 & on the 16.5 arm is on the platform. 16.5 has a reservoir - 16 doesn't. Why they changed it, I'll never know. Probably for marketing reasons-to get the 16 users to upgrade to the latest. Both are indestructable & clean equally as well. Biggest factor is the user's thoroughness using it. Grab it fast- only way to enjoy your LPs is when they're properly cleaned.....
I agree with Lolo. You can get an upgrade kit if you want..... but more important is to replace the "velvet" pads on the tube. Disc Doctor and VPI have them, through the usual analog outlets (mail order) or direct.
Thanks guys. I went ahead and bought the machine about an hour ago. I must have a 16 that was upgraded to a 16.5. It says Hw16 on the back plate, but has the vacuum tube mounted on the platform and removing the bottom plate reveals a reservoir! The original box say Hw16 with a ".5" written in beside it marker.... Now to get at about 1000 old vinyls! :-(