Best Retailer Youve Done Business With?

Not a Top Ten Thread this time. But lets hear it for the Audio Dealers that are truly deserving and go that extra mile for your dollar. These people never get enough credit for all their hard work.
In Connecticut I went to most every high end shop in that state. Roberts (New London) and Take Five (New Haven) were very helpful and let me spend (waste there) alot of time there. Knowing full well my meager income. And I did learn alot from both. Louis
Actually, I have the fortunate situation of dealing with two "high-end" audio/video dealers in my area. Each offering me differing (but no less valid) points of view in every phase of system assembly and construction. I go to one for my audio hardware, and the other still, for other intricate type of items like cables, power conditioners, and power cords. But I must say that one also offers me an "in home" type of setting each time I want to stop in and audition (or might I say....... listen to) some equipment. But nonetheless, both of the guys I deal with at both of my dealers are courteous, professional, and more importantly...... VERY patient. Anyone who spend a large amount of time with me usually gets rewarded by getting my business when it is time for me to open my wallet. And they get rewarded VERY handsomely, mind you.

But anyway, the two dealers I deal with here in the Washington, D. C. area are as follows:

(01). JS Audio -- Bethesda, Maryland (has a nice assortment of high-end equipment there, and some of the most knowledgeable people around. They listen to what you have to say, and then they come up with VERY NICE solutions accordingly. And all of their salesmen have very good ears on top of that). Be sure to ask for Mike when you get there. Great guy. I cannot wait to buy my next SERIOUS piece from him.

(02). Myer-Emco -- also of the Washington, D. C. area. They have store all over the area. But the one I frequent the most is located in the Georgetown area of Washington, D. C. Also, very nice guys. But the guy I have bought most of my gear from was Oliver Pagen. Also very knowledgeable. Gives me a fair price on my gear each time when it is time to open my wallet. One of the nicest guys you ever want to meet. If I have ONE TINY criticism about him (and I am nitpicking), it is that he's not as ambitious as Mike at JS Audio is when it comes his systems (Mike at JS Audio strikes me as more ambitious....... as he has the most serious system of the two). Oliver to me, takes a more conservative approach. But that point aside, if you ever come to Washington, D. C., and you want to check out some audio gear while you are visiting, and somehow end up in Georgetown, I highly recommend that you stop in and meet Oliver. Like I said, great guy. And tell him Charles sent you.

Later and Regards...........

Okay I started this thread some 4 years ago and Audiogon has grown by leaps and bounds and probably beyond anything the owners of Audiogon ever imagined.

But now it is time to vent a little. Not only with the membership but the retailers on this site.

I buy,sell and trade a lot on this site and most all need to improve the way they do business.

First of all pictures on Audiogon. We have some good photographers, though not many of them. If I can't see what your selling, I am not buying or bidding, no matter how much I may want that product. There are plenty of digital picture editing programs, - GET ONE or loose the sale. I am tired of looking at black blobs!!

Second, ad descriptions are getting just awful. You don't have to be Hemingway, but you should be knowledgeable enough to write a decent description, after all you own it,tell me about it. Include the dimensions and what voltage it runs on is always a help.

Third, this item just irritates the crap out of me and that is Pay Pal fees. First of all I never charge the customer a user fee of Pay Pal. It is the cost of doing business. When I had a retail store I never charged a user fee to the customer. And when was the last time you went into a retail establishment and were charged additional to use a credit card?? Most likely never and I never have and I am an old fart now. If you feel you need that paltry 2.9 percent include it with asking price.

Fourth is the shipping charges involved. No one makes a nickel out of this but the shipper. To haggle on shipping is like going to Dennys on the highway and trying to negoiate a deal on breakfast. Shipping is shipping, get over it!!

As far as I am concerned, in the future I will deal only with members and dealers that can take decent photographs,with enough ad copy to peak my interest and do not charge a Pay Pal fee. And yes I will pay all reasonable freight and insurance.

Fifth ripping off someone's picture,ad description or product review is getting out of hand. If you do at least be courteous enough to give the owner a heads up or at least mention the author in your ad. Have had my pictures,ads and reviews ripped of many times without even a courtesy menetion. Just remember if you rip off a copyrighted item, you will have lawyers down your back in a hearbeat. So be wise and ask permission before you do this.

The Audiogon site is maturing quite quickly now and we all need to be more professional in what we do here.