Why Linear Tracking never took off?

Popular in the mid-80s...Linear tracking tables have vanished from the scene...what was the rational behind their creation?...Are there any good used tables to consider...or is this design long gone?....thanks...the simplicity of operation intrigues me...
Well Kreml,
after having evaluated the Schroder Ref against a
Kuzma Airline I went for the Airline . Which
I drive with ZYX and Takeda Miaybi System.
Phono is Klyne 7Pxxx.

I think few people had the chance to hear both arm in
a System .
with best regards Karl-Heinz
the linear tracker on the Sirius III is not too bad either (i like mine).....i played with two Kuzma Airline's at CES.....they sounded great (difficult to isolate the arm from other factors at the show)....but the lack of a damping trough could limit cartridge choices and ultimate performance.
Why the lack of a damping limit the cartridge choice?

What's the best cartridge's compliance and weight for non-damping linear tracker like Airline?

Kuzma rec. less than 25 for compliance but how about less than,say, 10?
Kuzma now has a damping trough that is retrofittable to the Airline arm.

I've seen and heard the arm at CES. There is no way for me to make any sonic comparisons under those conditions. However, looking at the fit and finish of the air pump, filters, dehydrators, etc., the arm looks to be well engineered. A far cry from stuff like the old Mapenoll arm/table that gave me so much grief.
If you choose a cartridge carefully ,there is no way "damping"is an advantage.I have had this proven to me on numerous occassions and have finally caved in on this.By the way,Mikelavigne,I also had a room built (dedicated)with dedicated heat and a/c.Do you find the ambient temp.to run generally quite cool in winter?I have added an oil filled elec. heater to make sure the furnace doesn't run too much.