Graham 2.2 damping fluid amount?

The Graham 2.2 manual suggests a range of damping fluid amounts. Has anyone experimented with varying the amount from bare minimum to the max of that range to see how it affects the sound?
What type of fluid do you use on your Grahm arm or is there another aftermaket fluid that works well. I remember Brooks Berdan telling me several years ago he does not use the Grahm stock fluid but a similar sub that works better.
Wow! I'm glad I asked. Thank you SirSpeedy and 4yanx for your expertise. Your statements make very good sense but little is said about damping and its adjustment in the Graham manual.
42659 - if you find out what that other fluid is that is purported to work better, please let us know. Thanks.
SirSpeedy - another thought.
Once you got your arm dialed in for a particular cartridge, did you have to change the amount of damping fluid if you changed to another arm with a different cartridge attached?
Sorry to go off-topic on you. But my SME IV.Vi manual states that I should change the damping fluid yearly.

Does Graham say that as well?
Does it evaporate?
Get dirty?
Loose it's magic?

I've had my arm for 2-3 years and never tried this. Thanks for amy comments.
Did you start with 1/3 of the damping trough full as sir speedy did ?
What volume of fluid (how full) did you end up at for the ideal sound in your system ?
What cartridge are you running now with your 2.2 ?
Are you using the fluid that came along with the Graham 2.2 ?
Best Regards, Larry