Technics SL-10 Linear Tracking

I'm trying to break into the vinyl side of music and I would really appreciate any advice I could get on a hand-me-down from my Dad.

He hasn't used the turntable for at least 15 years, so operationally I have no idea what condition it's in.

The catch is that he misplaced the AC power cord so at the moment i cannot plug it in.

The AC power jack is a lot smaller than the standard size for audio components. The interesting thing is that there are two power supply imputs: the AC power jack and a DC power jack (12 V).

Should I just walk over to Radio Shack and pick up a 12 V universal power cord?

Finally, there is also a MM/MC button on the back, does that mean I won't need to buy a phono stage?


If found this site ( which appears to be selling copies of manuals. The SL-10 manual sets you back 20 bucks.
If you can't find an AC power cord to fit then you can go with the DC power supply. As for the MM/MC switch, you will still need to use a phono pre amp. The switch only boost the gain from MM level to MC level. If you are using the original MC cartridge that came with the TT, and only have an MM level pre amp you can set your TT to MC and it should work fine. If the cartridge has been replaced with an MM version, then leave it set to MM.
After being in storage for a while you may experiance some problems with the arm wanting to stop in the middle of a track and go back to home position. Clean the track and apply a little sweing machine oil, that should help.
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I don't know if Viridian speaks from experience or just his own opinion. I speak from experience and like the turntable. I have done a direct comparison in my system against a Project Wood Classic fitted with a Sumiko Blue Point. I am currently using an Ortofon TM20 and previously used Shure V15. The Project table certainly wasn't any better and way less convenient to use. I have LP's which have been played for over twenty years and still sound fine. No chewed grooves here. If you can find a power cord and get it running it will provide performance equal to the budget Project and Music Hall offerings.