How often do you have to tuneup Linn Sondek LP12

Hi, I'm thinking of buying an Linn turntable but was wondering how often do you have tune the subchassis? I have a Rega 25, would moving to the Linn be an upgrade? Would be grateful for any input. Thanks! duckboy
I have owned my LP12 since 1973. I think summer. Mine has been overhauled once with springs, change the oil, etc. When I changed the tone arm 5 years ago it was tuned up and belt changed. I just keeps working. They are very low maintenance tables.
I would NEVER buy another LP 12. Ever! From day one, I was never really happy with it. I used to use an old Dual 1219, idler driven table, which had fantastic dynamics and the most solid bass I had ever heard. The Linn doesn't do bass very well. After a multitude of arms, power supplies, motors, bearing upgrades, etc., etc., etc., I sold it for a massive loss. Then I purchased a Dual 1229 idler drive table, removed the arm, installed a Grace 747 and never looked back. Copy this link into your brower and read this before you buy.
For all those who love the Linn, I say Cheers! It is a pretty table after all, but to me, not a very musical one.
I adjusted the springs, leveled, and installed 2 different tonearms and 3 different carts, leaving me with a Linn Sondek 12 Ittock II tonearm and dynavector 10/5 MC Cart. No problems at all with Linn. I am someone that is not mechanically inclined, and also used a Mint LP protractor to install the carts. The 1st time took 2.5 hours, then with a little practice, it can be done in about half an hour. Again, no problems with Linn and the music sounds great without the Lingo and/or Linto. Good luck.