MC cartridge for Cello Audio suite P101

I'll very appreciate that anyone can tell me what mc cartridge is good match with cello audio suite P101.
I've VDH colibri that is not enough output with P101.

Can you look up the specs for your Cello? I couldn't find them with a Google search. We need to know the gain in both the phono and line stages, and also what input impedance(s) are available. Matching a cartridge means choosing one with high enough output AND choosing one that will be happy with the load presented by the cello.

Knowing what arm and table you have is also important. Cartridge/arm matching is at least as critical as cartridge/phono stage matching.
Dougdeacon, Thanks,due to my Audiosuite is secondhand one so
I don't have any information on hand. Unfortunately the shop was closed last year. My turntable is Nottingham spacedeck with 9" original arm. Anyway I appreciate that.
Ikeda will be the best choice since cello ask Ikeda to make the cartrige for them.