Graham Slee GSP Era Gold Mk. V - anyone have it???

Looking for feedback on actual owner thoughts compared to Fremer's rave review and other reviewers in the audio press. Is this phono stage really as good as they say?????
On the web site, it sure looks like the head amp is around $1K, which
means about $1800 for the package. Not chicken feed. Puts it in the
league with the K&K, pricewise that is.
Dan, that is my understanding as well, unless a direct inquiry will get the piece at a reduced cost (which is often the case). OTOH, the Graham Slee is no match for the K&K in terms of performance OR flexibilty, IMHO, and I agree with Sberger who cites the Dynavector as a better bargain, as well. And yes, I've heard all three units.
I picked up a Dynavector last week, just couldn't resist at the price. It's breaking in, but sounds very promising. Comparing it to an EAR 834 and to my Benz PP-1.
it does take about 50 hours for reasonable breakin. but play with the settings, then switch it to "enhanced" for a real treat(assuming you have a low output mc).