The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
At this point, clearly the Acapella Triolons driven with Audio Note electronics, Jorma cabling and EMM Labs digital. The Triolons significantly extend the dynamic envelope with excellent microdynamics and crescendo's capable of rattling walls, all with a vanishingly low level of distortion. Detail retrieval, particularly low level ambient detail is phenomenal. Even though the speakers utilize three very dissimilar types of drivers (ion tweeters, horns and dynamic woofers), they are very coherent and seamless, with an effortlessness reminiscent of the Goldmund Reference TT. Images have a solidity and three dimensionality. The bass is tight, well controlled, goes low with great authority and speed. More importantly, by pushing the horn technology down to 200 hz and dividing the range between 200 hz and 5000 hz so that it is handled by two horns, there is a significant lowering of intermodulation distortion that effects the entire range. Acapella has been able to do this in such a manner that the two horns act almost as a single unit. You cannot pick out the crossover point and there are no discontiuities as the sound moves between the horns. Bells and other percussive instruments have a steep leading edge with a with a natural reverberrant tail. Voices are a joy on this speaker, both male and female. The plasma tweeter remains the best high frequency driver that I have heard and that includes the superb diamond tweeters used in the Martens and Kharma's
Best I heard was Tyler Linbrook Signature System, a Dual 8 for bass, dual 7's for midbass and the finest tweeter, The Millinium. had it all in a good balance. Weakness: none.