Personal turntable/cartridge evolution

I just ran across the two year old personal speaker evolution and personal amp evolution threads. I am amazed that so far nobody has ever posted the question with respect to turntables/cartridge combinations.

Same deal as the other threads. I will start with my short odyssey through the worl of turntables:

1993 Linn Basik/Akito/K9
1998 Rega Planar 3/RB300/Elys
2000 Rega Planar 3/RB300/Denon DL103
2004 Michell Tecnodec/RB600/Ortofon Kontrapunkt A and Denon DL103R


Started with BSR changers, then a rat-shack DD, then a belt drive or two (used a Thorens for many years), now using a Garrard 301. So I went from idler to DD to belt, and back to idler. I'm enjoying my records more now than I ever did :-).
g.e.wildcat, panasonic,sony,kenwood,phillips,dual,thorens,denon,revolver,dual again,rega,maplenoll,vpi(three models in sequence)),goldmund,sota,well tempered,linn,wilson that all at once oracle paris, goldmund studio, thorens jubilee, mission 774
1975 garrad with Grado?
1986 AR with Grado
1994 AR with Grado platium
1998 Michell Orbe with Rega 250 and Platium.
2003 Michell Orbe with Graham 1.5 and Micro Benz L04
2005 Michell Orbe with Graham 1.5 and Micro Benz L04, Shelter 501 II
2007 Michell Orbe with Graham 1.5 and Micro Benz L04, Shelter 501 II, Ortofon Jubilee.
1980 Technics with AudioTechnica
1982 Thorens with Shure V15
1984 Mission with Grado
1986 VPI HW-19 Mk. II with Grado arm and different Grados
2003 VPI HW-19 Mk. II with Grado arm and Transfig. Esprit
2007 VPI TNT HR-X with Transfig. Esprit
Started with Thorens 150. Hadcock arm Shure cartridge in 1977, could afford the Linn.
Linn Lp12 with ittok, then Origin live silver taper arm.
Now, finally and I mean that, I think, Origon live Resolution modern/OL Illustrious. Koetsu Rosewood Signature.
Why would you want to change? I am sure someone will tell me why though