Is extremely accurate "VTA" adjustment necessary?

Here's a very interesting article by Geoff Husband of TNT on the importance (or better relative unimportance) of overly accurate VTA adjustment.

Exposing the VTA myth?

A short quote form the article:

Quote - "VTA, or Vertical Tracking Angle is one of those topics that divides opinion...That 'VTA' matters is indisputable, but the purpose of this article is to examine the validity of the claims made for the relative importance of VTA...SRA/VTA matters of course, but in the real world not THAT much, rigidity, simplicity and lateral alignment are all more important"

What are your thought and comments on this issue?
Romy the Cat is the moniker of someone who posted often at Audio Asylym (an other places). He was very knowledgable however most of what he wanted to share was his opinion of you and your beliefs - always negative, demeaning, and provocative. Some felt that his demeanor should be tolerated because his knowledge occasionally added something worthwhile. His lack of civility ultimately got him permanently banned.
Romy actually posted a genuinely positive message - once - suggesting that I would benefit by changing to higher quality resistors for cartridge loading. I emailed him to say "thanks" and asked for specific recommendations. Rather to my bewilderment he sent a pointlessly insulting reply with no technical content whatsoever; it was actually rather psychotic. Audiogon banned him just a day or two later.

You've chosen not to respond to my offer to discuss your irrelevant and unfounded criticisms in a more appropriate place. This makes it abundantly clear you were only trolling. I suggest you re-read the previous paragraph and keep it constantly in mind.
Hey Doug, I can help you w/ the resistors issue. Robert Schult (Ridge Street Audio) chose some really *kick ass* NOS resistors for my phonostage. Besides getting the appropriate 75K loading for my modded Groovemaster, there was indeed a lowered noise floor as Robert promised me.

Raoul needs the internal cleansing. Perhaps I'm mistaken and it's really Alzheimer medication what's really needed. The internal cleansing can't hurt, anyway--neither the *girlfriend*...
Doug: First I don't think I have to start a thread on that subject: if you don't want to share ( for whatever reason ) your points of view on those issues, it is ok.
" re-read the previous....": What specifically do you want to tell me? , it is personal?. Read my last answer to you.
Regards and enjoy the music.
Thanks Francisco. I'll check that out once we've nailed down exactly what impedance we want with the Airy.