I was going to post a link to Romy's site, because I find it quite amusing! But, there are some here who he pissed off big time. But at least we know he has a system! His rack description is a classic:
And, to top it all off, I'm glad you actually did get something out of this thread!
I was going to post a link to Romy's site, because I find it quite amusing! But, there are some here who he pissed off big time. But at least we know he has a system! His rack description is a classic:
This would pretty much give an idea where is my TT lives. The stand was collaboration with Rix-Rax and was a custom solution to accommodate 14 components. The stands frame is metal, hollow and filled with a mix of sand and led shots, toped with heavy like hell, granite bridges. The turntable and the granite shelf are decoupled by a Vibraplane. The rack is as dead as it should be. To test is very simple: stop the platter lover a cartridge to the mat, turn the volume all the way up, and begin to jump in the room like a wounded in ass antelope. With .5mV cartridge output, 28dB gain in step-up, 55 db gain on preamp, 11db gain in preamp, 12 dB gain in power amp, with a LF-capable 109-sensitive speakers the woofers should not fly away Also, in the left bottom corner you may see my beautiful Koshka who has hundreds light-years of space between Her ears
And, to top it all off, I'm glad you actually did get something out of this thread!