What is the best phono preamp you have heard?

Please list them down! Thank you
heard clearaudio few lines, ear 834p, dynavector, audible mod 3 built in. By far the best is the GSP Gold Era V. At $950 per piece, its money well worth.
I have been using the H-Cat phono for several years. I has the same character as the P-12BX line stage, namely very transparent, open, and clear. It has excellent top and bottom ends.

I have not tried other phono stages lately but were I to do so, it would be the Einstein Tube. I have heard it in other systems and can say I heard how quiet it is and been impressed with its sound. I also have friends who rave about it saying the reviews which are raves fall short of telling what it is capable of. Until I try it in my home, I will not know whether it has the "magic" of the H-Cat.
When the opportunity comes, it would also be great to hear the Aesthetix IO, Lamm LP2, Klyne, Nick Doshi’s, Audion Quattro, Raul's phonostage, Messenger (this along with Raul's, the Doshi and Audion are full function preamps), FM Acoustics, Connoisseur, and Boulder.

Raul's phonostage? Has anyone actually heard one of these besides Raul?
4yanx, I've ordered separates from Nick. Just to let everyone know that is an option.