SME 345

I'm trying to find specs on a SME 345 but I´m unable to find it anywhere. More to the point, I´d like to know where to place this arm in the current SME line-up, since I´m considering upgrading my Origin Live OL1 for use with a brand new VDH Frog Gold MK2
I know that this arm was matched with the Oracle Delphi MKV tt, but cannot get any info. Any help?
brgds, Marcelo
I think it depends to some degree whether you like to change/upgrade frequently, the SME V is a well known arm and could be easily sold, the 345 isn't well known and as such will likely not have the same pereceived value in the marketplace when it comes time to sell it. I've never used a OL1 arm so I can't comment on whether you'd be taking a step up or not.

My friend has a Delphi IV with a SME V arm but uses a completely different cartridge, phono preamp etc..It's really hard to say whether the 345 or the V is a better arm. I suspect the V is a better arm in some respects but Oracle had the 345 built for them to take advantage of the best each SME series has to offer. If I were you I'd call Mr. Riendeau at Oracle and get his opinion, he can be hard to reach sometimes but is very knowledgable and friendly.

Phone: 819-864-0480

6136 boulevard Bertrand Fabi
Suite 101
Rock Forest. Quebec.
Thanks for your kind advice! I believe I´ll stick to the Oracle-dedicated design from SME, one should think the Oracle guys would know better than having a mediocre arm bear their own name, so I should conclude the 345 will be "the" arm for the Delphi MKV (that is, within a reasonable price).
Thanks again
Brgds, Marcelo
I am also looking at purchasing an Oracle Delphi MKV
with the SME 345 tonearm.Can anyone give any advice on cartridge matching for this combination,eventual partnership will be with Audio Research amps & Maggies.
What will go well with this arm/i like most music styles
the budget is $2500/$3000 tops.I am thinking Benz/Koetsu
or van den hul.Not been able to demo any thing yet so some direction would be great.

I have both the 345 and the V. I can detect no performance difference between them. The 345 has a removable headshell the V is easier to set tracking force and vta. I havent found a cartridge that doesnt sound good with either one but I am currently using a clearaudio stradivari and it is magic with either arm but Im using it in the V which is easy to dial in.
I have just added the new Oracle Thalia ($1500) cartridge to my Oracle Delphi MKV + SME 345. It replaced a Koetsu Black, and the improvement is amazing. This combination works very well together.