Today has been a tough day for old Lugnut. I've felt I'm breaking down a little bit, crying a lot. WbDillon's (Bill to me) post tore me up and it's hard to explain. Bill and I go back to fourth grade. Bill has been with me in my fight against lymphoma and now stomach cancer. We've done so much together through the years that I can't even recall the highlights anymore. The highlights just don't seem to matter much. What does matter is the time we spent together. What flashes before my minds eye when I think of Bill is him rowing and me fishing. When he said I was lucky, that is an understatement. Fishing could suck for days but when I'd show up they would be turned onto whatever I happened to have tied on. When I would lift my rod too soon and pull the fly out of a trout's mouth Bill would tell me I might have to lose my polaroid glasses. He'd tell me where he saw a huge rise the day before and cheer me on if I dropped a fly in that spot taken by old grandma. The guy would row upstream so I could fetch a fly out of a bush. He is a great mentor and a dear friend.
The situation I'm in now is just so umpredictable. I felt okay for a couple of days after chemo but then I crashed hard. Slept most of the time and have been pretty depressed too. I can't stand to look at myself in the mirror any longer. I don't look sick anymore. I look like someone that's going to die. Something about my eyes, I guess. I've come to realize that this process is bringing a lot of pain to people that really care about me and I hate it. I'm not perfect but I most certainly don't like to hurt anyone. I look at my wife, friends and family and know that their hearts are just being ripped out of their chests from this and there is nothing I can do to stop it. I read about me and feel that I'm now in the past tense. That hurts. So, in a few ways I'm weakening. I know I don't need to ask but cut me some slack. Okay?
A good friend from Lincoln, Nebraska, Mickey, called today and he and Steve Smith are coming out soon. These are the guys that came late winter/early spring and rebuilt my brick planters. Hopefully, we'll be able to spend time together listening to music and talking about days gone by. Mick and Steve want to see me while there is something left to see. Mick says it's okay if I can just give them an hour a day. I didn't realize that love does, in fact, hurt so much. I'm loved and it hurts those that love me for what I'm going through and it hurts me that they are having to edure this.
Doug, you and Paul occupy a special place in my heart. I enjoy you because you are comfortable in your skins just as I am in mine. Albert, you've given me more miles of smiles than I'm entitled to. Larry, your faithful calls, caring way and gentle demeanor are special to me. Nate, there's never been anyone at this site who's moniker is further from the real person. You're a sweetheart. Howard, maybe I can send a photo if I can only get enough energy! J.D., there is a bond that only you and I share.
How does one explain Paul? A man that is unselfish, caring, compassionate and gentle. Why would someone I didn't know start this thread? Maybe it's because he's experienced his own personal pain and just hates it that others hurt as well. I prefer to think of it a little differently. I believe that God uses us to his benefit whenever possible. I believe that has been Paul's role in all of this.
Again, cut me some slack. This post has been an especially hard one for me to make and it probably sounds like I'm saying goodbye. I don't think I am but I just hate to leave things unsaid and undone. You just never know. I do dream of making it to the Rocky Mtn. Audio Fest and spending a little time with Frank.
Lance is doing pretty good considering his team is not helping him that much. Keep it up!!