I'm baaaaccckk. Kind of. My mind must be slipping. Today's visit was with a replacement since my doc is on vacation. Apparently all of my symptoms are drug (chemo) related, so in for another treatment I went. I'm too pooped right now to write much but in a few hours I'll be up for awhile on the steroid high, for what that's worth. By Saturday I'll be sleeping non-stop again. Hope to put some listening time in tonight while the getting is good.
Dean, I'm really thrilled about what Lance will likely accomplish. I love seeing history being made in front of my eyes. He probably wouldn't be the cyclist he is if it were not for his cancer. The chemo radically changed his body making him a better rider. For once now the false charges of doping aren't being leveled against him. I also agree with Gregadd. Somebody needs to challenge him hard to make this exciting. For sure Ray, if Lance were to drop by he'd get an earful. Whether it stuck or not would be determined by the sweet spot in his heart.
Joe, I have been thinking about you a lot wondering how your table is coming and if you have designed a better plinth. Let me know too if you can do a down and dirty little project for me. I've got an idea.
Just to let you all know that alternative medicine is beginning tomorrow thanks to Nate. His family has some personal experience with what he sent and I'm pretty excited to give it a try. Thanks buddy and sorry I missed your call when I was at the doctor.
So, what kind of folks do we have here? Zaikeman (Alex), as you can tell from his post had compiled a couple of CD's of Coltrane music for me. Well, I received them today and included was a CD player for those times when flipping an album isn't convenient. Alex, you must have been a mind reader! There are times I would like to listen but just don't have the energy to expend flipin' those darn albums. Thank you so much for this special kindness. Now, all I need to do is contact a couple of friends here locally and borrow some CEEDEE's.
You're an amazing bunch. "Miles of Smiles" Porter called last night and got me charged up. We've gotten to know each other really well and are kindred spirits. We both recognize fully the connection between music and the thoughts that are shared in this thread. Both of us have been "fix it" type guys our whole lives and Albert is perplexed as to why he can't come up with the fix for what ails me. Me too. Maybe there's some type of tube power supply or something yet to be tried that he will put together for my health benefit. I know this: if I can be fixed with tubes then Albert will figure it out.
Peace to all and Go Lance Go!
Dean, I'm really thrilled about what Lance will likely accomplish. I love seeing history being made in front of my eyes. He probably wouldn't be the cyclist he is if it were not for his cancer. The chemo radically changed his body making him a better rider. For once now the false charges of doping aren't being leveled against him. I also agree with Gregadd. Somebody needs to challenge him hard to make this exciting. For sure Ray, if Lance were to drop by he'd get an earful. Whether it stuck or not would be determined by the sweet spot in his heart.
Joe, I have been thinking about you a lot wondering how your table is coming and if you have designed a better plinth. Let me know too if you can do a down and dirty little project for me. I've got an idea.
Just to let you all know that alternative medicine is beginning tomorrow thanks to Nate. His family has some personal experience with what he sent and I'm pretty excited to give it a try. Thanks buddy and sorry I missed your call when I was at the doctor.
So, what kind of folks do we have here? Zaikeman (Alex), as you can tell from his post had compiled a couple of CD's of Coltrane music for me. Well, I received them today and included was a CD player for those times when flipping an album isn't convenient. Alex, you must have been a mind reader! There are times I would like to listen but just don't have the energy to expend flipin' those darn albums. Thank you so much for this special kindness. Now, all I need to do is contact a couple of friends here locally and borrow some CEEDEE's.
You're an amazing bunch. "Miles of Smiles" Porter called last night and got me charged up. We've gotten to know each other really well and are kindred spirits. We both recognize fully the connection between music and the thoughts that are shared in this thread. Both of us have been "fix it" type guys our whole lives and Albert is perplexed as to why he can't come up with the fix for what ails me. Me too. Maybe there's some type of tube power supply or something yet to be tried that he will put together for my health benefit. I know this: if I can be fixed with tubes then Albert will figure it out.
Peace to all and Go Lance Go!