Good morning everyone. Went to the doc yesterday and surprise!!! I get a week away from chemo. That's really great news to me on several levels. The biggest being that maybe I can shake off the fatigue a little bit. I am feeling better in regard to eating and processing of food and that's a very good sign. I don't want to overstate this however. I've lost more weight. I continue to have fluid buildup in my abdomen which is telling, in that it means I still have tumors irritating something. All in all I'm pleased with how things are going considering I didn't think I'd be this well off a couple of weeks ago. Thanks to everyone for the encouraging words.
J.D., No I'm not interested in the AI. The Syrah works well enough and besides my cartridge is low enough output (.24 mv) that it wouldn't work without a step up tranny anyway. The insane part about the Syrah is that the problem is very intermittant. The good news is the CDP Alex sent sounds very good if fed a nice recording. I'm slowly acquiring a nice selection of digital music for those times I just want to relax. So much good music is available only on CD. I can now say I've rejoined the ranks of perfect sound forever. LOL. My daughter Amanda helped me shift some vinyl around in the shelving while we listened to The Waterboys and Greg Brown. We both enjoyed these disks a lot.
Okay, Neil Young fans!! Bill Dillon brought over a copy of the new Greatest Hits double LP set as a gift. To die for. The original master tapes were used and Neil himself was involved in the final mastering. IMO, this is worthy of buying even if you already have it all on other records. The instruments and vocals are more fleshed out than on the originals and rivals the sound quality of my Natilus Harvest. I'm not in total agreement that this is the definitive greatest hits though. Missing in action is Cortez The Killer which I think is his best work. Like A Hurricane has equally moving guitar work but the singing isn't on a par with Cortez, IMO. Hey Hey, My My (Out Of The Black) is another included probably for the guitar work, and one I would have not included. Otherwise I'm in total agreement with the remaining playlist. This LP would also be a great primer for those wanting to become familiar with Young without buying a lot of different LP's. I was somewhat concerned about the flow from one song to another but this wasn't an issue at all upon first listen. This is a limited production run like all of his vinyl released since 1990. Buying it is also a good investment. If you simply check the prices of Silver And Gold, Harvest Moon and what other later vinyl issues are going for you'll see what I mean.
I agree that Lance winning #7 is pretty incredible. No doubt about his dominance of the sport. (Did I hear a collective sigh of relief from all the European riders? He he.) I'm very curious about his comments regarding entering the political arena. Hmmm. I hope he keeps in mind that if that pack wants to get you, it will. Still, I wish him good luck.
My sister, Mary, will be here tomorrow evening. Hopefully we'll be able to really enjoy our time together. If nothing else we'll rediscover some aged vinyl with a few new vintages thrown in for good measure. I'd like to take her out to Ron's place near the Snake River. (you know, the porch that makes me want to listen to Our House) When Mick and Steve and I went out there I took my camera to get a porch view shot. Unfortunately, as navigator I got carried away shooting the bull and we ended up driving about forty miles out of our way and losing the light to get a good evening shot of the mountains. Maybe this time I'll pay more attention, get the shot and post it here so you guys know why I love it so much.
Thanks to Cello I installed my new (and cooked) tonearm cable last week with the help of Mick and Steve. After about 12 hours of play it seems to have settled down into what its meant to be. I'm very happy. The Airy 3 and the cable have taken my system to a level where the only improvements that could happen require replacing of major components. Not to boast. Really. Just the facts. I do think my system is maximized with the exception of some electrical which might happen in the near future. It really is time to just sit back and enjoy and that's a very good feeling.
Bluebull, the jersey was worn on Monday in celebration of our team victory. Denis, I'll keep resurfacing. Best to all.