Hi everybody, hi Barb, hi Pat. I was surprised at how upset I was at hearing this news. Even more surprising looking at my background. I am a health care provider specializing in Lou Gehrigs Disease. All of my patients are my friends. I have seen many friends pass away. But I miss Lugnut. I never met him and regret that I didn't. But we have chatted on the phone a few times over the past year or so. Seemed like I was talking to an old lifelong buddy from the start. So what has had me so troubled. I was afraid of loosing something more than a friend.
I think that what attracted so many people to this post, that attracted so many people to Pat is that in many ways we all have some Lugnut in us, and Pat gave us the opportunitty to live out our inner "Lugnuts". He allowed us the opportunity to share openlly in community and shared love of something that we all in our way find beautiful and dear, music. Life. Joy.
With Pat, either in e-mails or over the phone, I got to be a little more honest, open, happy, joyfull, soft, humble. These are parts of me that Pat helped bring out and I do not want to let go of these things.
I still want to let my inner "Lugnut" run free.
But I felt kind of on my own these past few days.
Then I woke up this morning, went for a walk. I said a warm good morning to everyone I possibly could, while all the while picturing Lugnut in the cockpit of that plane. I came home, listened to some music, and got back on the horse. I sure want to continue with this community that Pat has helped fuel.
With that is mind I would like to sponsor one nights lodging for the "scholarship" for a young person to attend the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest. I am sure others will be able to help with other needs. I want to honor my friend. I want to thank him and remember him. I want to show thanks to Barb for sharing her Lugnut. But most of all I want to continue what Mr. Lugnut has started.
I think that what attracted so many people to this post, that attracted so many people to Pat is that in many ways we all have some Lugnut in us, and Pat gave us the opportunitty to live out our inner "Lugnuts". He allowed us the opportunity to share openlly in community and shared love of something that we all in our way find beautiful and dear, music. Life. Joy.
With Pat, either in e-mails or over the phone, I got to be a little more honest, open, happy, joyfull, soft, humble. These are parts of me that Pat helped bring out and I do not want to let go of these things.
I still want to let my inner "Lugnut" run free.
But I felt kind of on my own these past few days.
Then I woke up this morning, went for a walk. I said a warm good morning to everyone I possibly could, while all the while picturing Lugnut in the cockpit of that plane. I came home, listened to some music, and got back on the horse. I sure want to continue with this community that Pat has helped fuel.
With that is mind I would like to sponsor one nights lodging for the "scholarship" for a young person to attend the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest. I am sure others will be able to help with other needs. I want to honor my friend. I want to thank him and remember him. I want to show thanks to Barb for sharing her Lugnut. But most of all I want to continue what Mr. Lugnut has started.