Teres vs VPI, SME, Origin Live, etc.

I have Manley Steelhead Phono Pre VII and Berning ZH-270 Amp, and I ordered a pair of Merlin VSM-MX. The next step is to upgrade my Table and Arm. I am thinking about the Teres 265(320) with Shroder Model2 Arm or Origin Live Illustrious Arm, or VPI HR-X, or SME 20 with SME 5 Arm, or Origin Live table and arm. The budget is around $7000 (used or new).
For VPI HR-X, SME 20, and Origin Live, I can find some profesional reviews. For Teres, I did not find any profesional reviews, but some user reviews. And there are few A/B comparision reviews on Teres.
It will be greatly appreciated if anybody who A/B compared the above tables to give the information.
Any suggestion is welcomed.
You know, I think he does this just to piss you guys off. Romy was much more fun!

Regards and enjoy the music.
I think(know)Lugnut makes some very good points.It is in his best interest,and others,to borrow from his playbook.We will ALL benefit from a philosophy of not taking every comment as GOSPEL.NONE of us,even the "Experts"(hobbyists,actually)can categorically have answers to every aspect of how to coax the best sound from every component,or even most.Even when we think we understand the physics involved.Metal vs acrylic or wood.

Since everything is STRICTLY a matter of taste,why should an innocent opinion,even an eroneous one(like Doug's opinion of termination breaks,that happen to be remedied with "MILITARY" connectors on the 2.2)be of such consequence to illicit a nasty response from some of you!!

Even my "BAITING" of Doug,with my last comment,is done with "Tongue firmly implanted in cheek",though I DO believe it.SO WHAT!!I come to this forum for the pleasure of interaction,and a potential learning experience.Sometimes good entertainment.I believe a genious like Einstein passed away years ago.Though,I do pass his old house,in Princeton,every few weeks,when going to a favorite collectors watering hole(Princeton Record Exchange).That's the closest I expect to come to ALL KNOWING PHILOSOPHY!!Except for my DAD,and third year MED student son.Boy do I love,and respect those two!!!

What REALLY turns me off,and why I'm considering dropping out of "Forum Life",though,that would be no great loss,is the REDICULOUS BABYISH/SPOILED TIT FOR TAT crap that happens too FRIGGIN(I really don't want to use that word)often.As in this series of posts.

I don't believe the original question was meant to create animosity amongst you guys.Those who take the high road,I respect you.But,in all seriousness WHO CARES if someone doesn't like or appreciate another's component of choice,or point of view.How can that possibly change the way we perceive our own system's sound.Once again,who cares.

I do not list my system,and try not to mention all of my components,when attempting to contribute to a thread.I do this for a reason.I really don't think anyone has an inkling what my system sounds like,EVEN IF THEY HAVE OWNED some of the same components.All I care about is how my stuff sounds TO ME!!

I welcome controversial disagreement,and take it as just plain "fun criticism".I may be wrong in a disagreement,on a topic,and probably AM,on occassions.I,also deserve to make my point!!The only time I feel the need to be somewhat assertive is if the opposing party gives me the impression of
I am NO boyscout,but really respect MANY people,some who I disagree with at times.I don't always agree with DOUG,but know that he is EXTREMELY knowledgeable,and entitled to his opinions.Why should anyone be FLAT OUT RUDE to other audiobuffs,when we are such a SMALL HOBBY.It is a blast that some others can,at least,articulate an opinion we want to read,agree with or not.I doubt if many of you have cancelled your subscriptions to the "MAINSTREAM" mags.They SUCK lately (as in,REALLY SUCK)!!I remember when I loved finding one in my mailbox.One that I did not go through in 15 minutes.Anyone remember those days?

Yes, there are those people who "GET OFF" from creating animosity.To me they are yutz's.They don't deserve my response,though sometimes I fall prey.People like RAUL,to me,are good spirited,and entitled to be wrong(or right).Yes I find some comments worthy of a GOOD TUSSLE.BUT THEY ADD TO THE PERSONALITY OF THIS FORUM.I don't have to agree with them,but I won't get REALLY MEAN SPIRITED unless an underhanded slur is thrown my way.We NEED each other,if at least,for the missing stimulation I used to get from controversial,and musically inspiring "LONG GONE" AUDIO JOURNALISM!!

Now let's hold hands and sing around the campfire.DOUG,please pass RAUL a marshmellow.A "crispy one,not a burnt one"!!

Doug: +++++ " Example: You just criticized the 901. On another thread today I criticized the 901 and you jumped in to defend it! Here's a link if anybody cares to see another example of your attention-whoring hypocrisy " +++++

+++++ " You obviously care nothing about audio or helping others, or you wouldn't call the 901 a mediocre cartridge here while encouraging someone to buy it over there. How truly sad. " +++++

I don't jumped to defend anything, don't lie, I only share my experience with the 901 about what your compliant: that had tracking problems at the inner groves. I post that I don't have that problem with the 901. After my post some other people confirm, too, that he never had that problem.

Is this a whoring hypocrisy? . Come on, don't be a child.

Doug, as always, you don't have nothing in hand. Your attack is totally incongrous and dishonest. I think that anybody can see it through the link thread. HOW TRULY SAD.

Regards and enjoy the music.
There are no commercial reviews of a Teres because Teres doesn't sell via dealers, advertise in mags or provide free goodies to reviewers.

By this logic, the review of Empirical Audio's Holophonic cables would never have been printed in the recent stereophile, as they fit all the crieria you just stated (factory direct, no advertising, no freebies). This conspiracy theory stuff is tiresome. BTW, I'm no fan of the 2 Teres TT's I heard, but that's just my opinion.