I tried a new footer the other day and had very interesting results. The footer is the "GROGGY" coaster from Ikea it appears to be a plate of stainless steel with a micro-thin but quite firm foam underneath. I took two of the coasters and placed them together so that the thin foam was in-between the two steel plates. Kind of like a mini symposium shelf. Then placed the coasters under each foot. The results were very good in my application. Most footers I've tried alter the sound too much - or do nothing at all. These seem to be just right.
Oddly enough, they appear to provide the benefits of direct coupling along with the benefits of decoupling.
I think they cost 6.00 for a set of 6 coasters. You'll need two coasters for each foot.
Oddly enough, they appear to provide the benefits of direct coupling along with the benefits of decoupling.
I think they cost 6.00 for a set of 6 coasters. You'll need two coasters for each foot.