Need to re-discover analog - please help

Like the short-sighted, lazy, modern moron that I am, I threw away all my LPs and turntable when I got hooked on my first decent CDP, a Kinergetics Platinum KD-40, 15 years ago. Because it was easier to take care of CDs. Now, my mother who was a musician, and had a classical collection of about 200 really absolutely great recordings, collected from the 1940s til the 80s, has left me her collection. They just have to be preserved, played and savored. I need an analog set-up that will a) do them justice and b) not sound noticeably "worse" compared to the digital set-up I am now used to. My analog set-up that I discarded (I know, I know.........please dont rub it in, what's done is done.) was a Denon 103D and Sony PS-800 linear tracking TT and also a Kenwood marble platter with SME tone-arm and also Denon 103 D cartridge and circa 1980 PS Audio MC phono stage.
The present system, to which must now obligatorily be added a turntable: EMM DCC2/CDSD; Atma-Sphere Line-stage MP-1 MkII, Atma-Sphere MA 2.2 modified (27 tubes each); Kharma 3.2; Indra Stealth i/cs; PAD Dominus i/cs and S/Cs (Rev C & B).

I tried MM cartridges before - Dynavector,Ortofon,Shure V15 iv - but only liked the MC Denon 103D - so would prefer that MC "sound".

I have not kept up with the analog market, nor new equipment, and am totally ignorant about the components but would greatly appreciate input as to what TT, tone-arm, cartridge and phono preamp to get that would neither bankrupt me nor do the wonderful collection my mother left me a disservice, nor my ear that is now spoiled by the pretty "good" digital, ancillary set-up I have. Nor, obviously, sound "inferior" to the CDs:)

What sort of a budget am I looking at to keep the system within the overall quality of the associated equipment that I have, without going crazy, since i will still mostly be listening to CDs (unless i get totally hooked and go bonkers..........)?

I listen to classical 90% of the time and 95% of her collection is classical.

As always, I appreciate your advice.
Did I say 824? Must have been a typo. I meant EAR 324. I really do appreciate all the support from all of you in this quest for good vinyl sound.
OK, so almost 4 months after my initial post, asking for help, it's done. So that you dont have to read the whole 9 yards again, I wanted to achieve sonic "parity" with the EMM set-up on vinyl, starting from scratch. The set up is Kharma 3.2s, Atma-Sphere MP-1, A-S MA 2.2, EMM DCC2, EMM CDSD, PAD Dominus and Stealth Indra i'cs, s/cs and Electraglide UK II PCs - vinyl is Sota Cosmos III with vacuum pump, EAR 324, Shelter 901, OL Illustrious arm.
It now works - all screws found, reattached.
Result: Worth months of chaos, fussing, cursing, fiddling?
Yes. Difference: Vinyl more organic, palpable, visceral, real. The digital is just that few % more sterile - marginal, but factual (to my ears and psyche) Sound as good as EMM? Yes. Better? Yes. Worth the hassle? To me, yes, to my wife (who has an excellent ear)- No, because she doesnt mind listening to music in another room or through a slight, sanitizing, cleaning, but marginally eviscerating filter because of the convenience factor.
So, to those of you wondering whether to go this route if you already have a superb digital set-up (as the EMM undoubtedly is), the answer is: Be prepared to be frustrated, annoyed, irritated and pay 200% attention to tweaks and fiddling, design quirks that need you to be of an engineering mindset, to clean every speck of dust and go through an absurd tedium of adjusting, inspection and manipulation. But if the real thing is what you want - if you want to feel that the music is in your room, do it - if you dont mind the slight filter factor - that's how I can best describe the difference - then don't.
This final follow-up is to thank you all for your input. You are an incredibly helpful lot and I really appreciate the encouragement to pursue this "totally illogical journey" as a normal person like my wife would put it.
But we're not "normal", as anyone who is of a non-audiophile mindset would agree, looking just at the price-tag of a 1 meter set of cable............

I'm so thrilled. Keep in mind that everything will just get better as the bits and pieces break in. During this period you will grow accustomed to whatever cleaning and handling procedures you settle on and they will become second nature. Yeah, you have to get up and flip the darn things every 15 to 20 minutes but you won't mind. The greatest gift of all is that you now can concentrate on the best recordings of whatever fomat it is found on. The best of both worlds, indeed. Again, I'm very happy for you. Just watch out for the upgrade path. He he.
Glad to hear you're finally up and running, and achieving the kind of results you were hoping for. Your summary of the differences between analog and digital matches my experience (and that of many others) exactly.

As Cello said, much of the vinyl hassle will become second nature. That upgrade path he warned about is also there. If you decide to follow it be assured that even more lifelike presentation is possible. Whether you do or not, enjoy the tunes!
