ZYX RS20 vs Denon DL103


I have currently using the DL103, would like to try out something, ZYX RS20 come to mind, I listen mostly Jazz & old pops LPs, would the ZYX better than teh DL103?

Any other suggestion? My budget is around US300-400.


1.78g is probably too light. It's certainly too light for the higher end ZYX's, and AFAIK the suspensions are similar. I fear mis-tracking on dynamic passages, if not now then certainly when cooler weather arrives.

1.90g is about right in the summer and I'd probably want to start a new cartridge off a touch heavier than that. In winter you'll probably want to be closer to 2.00g.

You either need a lighter counterweight or a headshell weight. The fancy ZYX's have an optional headshell weight that adds about 4g. It is useful on all but the heaviest tonearms. In addition to giving you a more useable VTF range, increasing the system eff. mass should improve bass and dynamics a bit, sort of like the HIFI mod does.

I have it, but I had a need for some music first! I will run the Cardas lp sometime this week. Remember, I kept the copy from our Wally adventure.


Now I know why you all consider the base an essential element for a ZYX. And, I will try 1.90. I wanted to get it set up and running first and then dial it in over the next few days. I still need to optimize VTA too.

I also have the HFN Test LP that will be used to help getting it dialed in. The main problem I see is doing an A/B comparison. After all of this setup, there is no way to do a valid comparison without buying another arm and swapping them out. So I figure I've got about 1000 hours listening to the 103r, and I'm just going to use albums I know VERY well.

Once again, I'll keep all posted how it goes.


A reasonable VTA reference point on a ZYX can be eyeballed as follows:

- View the cartridge from the side
- Spot the slight ridge in the acrylic that runs the full length of the body, 1-2mm above the bottom of the cartridge
- That ridge should be level with the record surface

Of course you need to have dialed in VTF too, since that affects VTA.

Eventually you can fine tune VTA by ear, to whatever degree of craziness you prefer. You'll probably want 50-100 hours on it before bothering though. Sonic changes due to break-in may swamp most VTA-related effects.

BTW, try running the de-mag sweeps on the Cardas record. It made a substantial improvement on a silver coiled ZYX I tested recently. OTOH it has little effect on my copper coiled one, so YMMV. It can't hurt though.

BTW #2, how do you use the HFN record for dialing in a cartridge? I find it about 95% useless for that purpose.

To heck with all this. Play more music!
What's happening with the ZYX RS20 ? Is it broken in now and what do you think of it compared to the 103r ?