An open letter to Terrorists

Well, you hit the World Trade Center, but you missed America. You hit the Pentagon, but you missed America. You used helpless American bodies, to take out other American bodies, but like a poor marksman, you STILL missed America.

Why? Because of something you guys will never understand. America isn't about a building or two, not about financial centers, not about military centers, America isn't about a place, America isn't even about a bunch of bodies.

America is about an IDEA. An idea, that you can go someplace where you can earn as much as you can figure out how to, live for the most part, like you envisioned living, and pursue Happiness. (No guarantees that you'll reach it, but you can sure try!)

Go ahead and whine your terrorist whine, and chant your terrorist litany: "If you cannot see my point, then feel my pain." This concept is alien to Americans. We live in a country where we don't have to see your point. But you're free to have one. We don't have to listen to your speech. But you're free to say one. Don't know where you got the strange idea that everyone has to agree with you.

There's a spirit that tends to take over people who come to this country, looking for opportunity, looking for liberty, looking for freedom. Even if they misuse it. You guys seem to be incapable of understanding that we don't live in America, America lives in US! American Spirit is what it's called. And killing a few thousand of us, or a few million
of us, won't change it. Most of the time, it's a pretty happy-go-lucky kind of Spirit. Until we're crossed in a cowardly manner, then it becomes an entirely different kind of Spirit. Wait until you see what we do with that Spirit, this time. Sleep tight, if you can. We're coming.

Author Unknown
piezo has the only comments that make complete sense, imo. anyone clamoring for war should remember what einstein said: i dunno about www-lll, but ww-iv will be fought w/sticks.

and, i'm also really sick of palestinians in israel suiciding themselves, being compared to the terrible act visited upon the usa last week. the palestinians are at war, fighting for a homeland, w/the only means awailable to them. if the usa really wants to put a stop to terrorism - and this is yust the beginning, not the end - it wood do well to "urge" israel to make a real land-for-peace offer - one that yasser arafat can accept w/o fear of assassination. jews, of all people, should be able to understand the importance of a people having their own homeland - i should know - i, too, am a jew.

the palestinians and israelis making peace, w/the palestinians having a homeland of their own, wood go a long way towards helping take the wind out of the sails of those who support the kinds of terrorist acts that took place in the usa on 11 sept 2001. this is the reality, folks...

dug seed in

ps - personally, i tink a good way to solve the israel/palestine land-for-peace sticking point - that of the old city of jerusalem - wood be to not let either palestine *or* israel have it. instead, kick the u.n. outta nyc - the usa doesn't deserve to have it here anyway - and let the u.n. set-up & take over east jerusalem - make it an open city for the entire world...
Some very interesting and valid points in the above posts. I'm a bit of a pessimist, so this should be considered in light of my following comments.

First, let me state that in no way do I support or tolerate any act of harassment or violence against Americans who follow the teachings of Islam. It disgusts me to see ignorant, stupid Americans acting out against others simply because of their appearance or religious beliefs. If I saw or had knowledge of such acts and their perpetrators, I would inform the police and demand prosecution.

America, through some less than sterling foreign policy decisions over the last 50 years combined with being the nation at the top of the heap so to speak, has become the primary target of the Muslim fundamentalist extremists. Regrettably, it is the moderate Muslims which have no desire to wage terrorist activities that must stand up and start taking responsibility for policing their extremist groups.

I know this may raise some eyebrows. However, for there to be any hope of avoiding a future "holy war" of Muslim vs. the West, the Muslim faith as a whole must be willing to act against these violent extremist cells to protect their faith, and improve and preserve the world opinion of their religion.

The Muslim faith is the fastest growing religion in the world. Their faith is based on peace, just as Judeo-Christian beliefs. However, their extremist's embrace of suicide attacks has tainted their entire religion. They are increasingly distrusted and feared because of the propensity for violence from the extremist elements.

Nearly all religions have extremists and some of them tend to violence against non-believers, other ethnic groups or governments. Even America's own Neo-Nazi and KKK use religion to help justify their twisted beliefs and violence. Violence from religious extremists isn't new. The early Christians were horribly violent as displayed during the Crusades. However, in general, the Christian faiths have grown beyond their narrow fanaticism and understood the need to include and not exclude, as well as tolerate to some degree, those of differing opinions.

It is time that the Muslim faith speak as one concerning denouncing all violent extremists within their belief structure, and ACT against these groups. If they wish to be perceived by the world as a truly great religion, worthy of respect rather than fear and distrust, then they must change how they tolerate and even condone the violent acts of their fanatics.

America hasn't faced an enemy which we couldn't "understand" since the time of the French-Indian Wars. It took the frontier settlers to become more violent and horrific than their enemy in order to survive.

Unfortunately, I believe we are in a similar situation. We must not think that our enemy is motivated by reason or rational considerations. Nor should we be misguided to think that we should "occupy" any targetted area. We don't want another Vietnam, or from the Soviet's perspective, another Afghanistan. We are quite simply on a search and destroy mission.

Though Afghanistan is the primary focus currently, it is Pakistan which put the Taliban in power and supplies them with intelligence, arms and cooperation. It is the extreme religious schools in Pakistan that warped the minds of the young soldiers of the Taliban and continue to create human timebombs.

This may be the beginnning of what could lead to the next world war. Attempting to hit "hot spots" throughout a dozen countries could provide the catalyst for a Muslim "jihad" unless the moderate Muslim world acts in cooperation with the West, or more preferrably, acts in their own best interests to weed out these groups.

America won't disappear and we certainly won't go down without a fight. Unfortunately, we are dealing with countries that have been in war or conflict for generations. There is no fear of conventional weapons. Ask the Soviets how effective their conventional weapons were to the Afghanistan campaign. From a world history perspective, only Japan has experienced the total annihilation and devastation of atomic weapons. Regrettably, if that is what is necessary to provide the incentive to the many countries involved with producing, training, supplying and harboring terrorists that this will no longer be tolerated, then use them now before more lives, including American lives, are lost.

There are no easy answers in war. Make no mistake, we are at war for our very way of life. The fundamentalist extremists will not stop. They will continue to target America until they fear the retribution of their own people. What will produce the necessary change in the Muslim dominated countries other than the demonstrated resolve of total annihilation? Can we survive as a nation for the next 100 or 200 years under continued terrorist assault until the Muslim countries as a whole have "matured" to the point where they are willing to police their own fanatics? At present, I hear words of condolence, but see no substantive action to support any other course of action.

As always, just one man's opinion.

Jcbtubes, the Muslim faith is based on peace. God bless every peace loving Muslim, such as Muhammed Ali (nee Cassius Clay) speaking today in NYC. History is replete with examples of evil doers invoking one of the names of God to justify their inhuman acts. Don't judge Islam by the acts of maniacs who invoke that faith any more than you would judge Christianity by the acts of the Ku Klux Klan, Falwell or any of a number of recent Republican ideologs. There is a simple commandment: don't use the name of the Lord for your own purpose, to curry favor or win votes, or justify killing people (God is not offended by dirty words).

Doug: what a great idea. Jerusalem as the seat of the United Nations.
Lots of emotion expressed. And justly so. I, for one, can identify with Doug's words. Maybe because I know where he's coming from.

What if the West sent "terrorist vulnerable" muslim countries the fleet carrying $10 bill. of food & medical supplies and $10 bill. in active military equip. What do you think say, Afghans (they, too, are humans), whould choose? Where would gung-ho extremists get popular support from then (assuming they actually do get support now)?
Greg, the Afghan people would take the food and medicine. The Taliban would choose the guns.