Cartridge Man MM3 vs. ZYX R100 Fuji FS?

Anyone with firsthand experience with these two?

Any obvious sonic differences besides the MM vs. MC aspect?

I trying to figure out which is likely to have greater mid/low frequency drive and weight. Not bloat, but detailed and articulated bass with ample snap.

Rich midrange is also a plus.
I've heard a lot more Zyx cartridges and would no longer put them at the top of my recommendations. They are very detailed, somewhat bright and not the punchiest.

I still don't understand the attraction of the Music Maker. I do know that its manufacturer has very good relationships with a few UK based reviewers who speak very highly of the man. Both Zyx and MM are promoted by viral marketing rather than traditional methods.

I concur with Raul that the NOS Empire EDR.9 is an excellent performer regardless of its budget price tag.

BTW, I didn't buy the Zyx - I went instead for a Dynavector XX-2 which to my ears is far superior.
***Raul:"You own both cartridges and I think that you know that are not " giant killers "."***

At the time that I posted this question in April of '05, I didn't own either cart or had just gotten them but hadn't mounted them yet.

Having used both now, I have formed an opinion. Like everything in this hobby, it's all about what they are mated with.

My tonearm wasn't the best possible match with ZYX. The matching silver or gold head weights probably would have added much needed body and weight to the Fuji's delivery, but that adds significantly to the total cost. Besides, I still listen to a healthy amount of rock and hard rock which is not the Fuji's forte. So, I decided to sell it.

The MM3 is great at it's current $990 price for my varied tastes in music. It does well with jazz and extremely well with all forms of rock.

But, my current line of interest is in the Dynavector Rua.
Dear darkmoebius: I understand. Anyway, if you can, try the EDR.9: its inexpensive cartridge and beats easily the MM3, you will be surprised.

Regards and enjoy the music.
"Beats easily" is of course an opinion only, as this is a subjective matter dependent on personal preferences.

Take comments such as this with a grain of salt; they are not based on facts and therefore carry little weight.
Also, specially take comments from a dealer with a grain of salt. Personally, I distrust their comments regarding their own products much more than enthusiastic personal opinions.