Tone arm cable for SME V

I'm looking to replace the existing VDH cable that came with my SME V. I require a right-angle DIN to RCA cable. I know Cardas and Audioquest make them. Are there others out there worth looking at given my cable configuration requirement?
Demeter, I would like to do what you did (using the Granite Audio phono burn-in CD) and make (buy?) a male DIN to male RCA adapter, so I can include my Purist phono cable in the burn-in process.

Could you explain how you made the adapter (or where you purchased it?) so I can do the same.



Mgottlieb, you mentioned that the Purist Dominus phono cable "isn't even all that horribly expensive." The Cable Company is showing a retail price for a one-meter cable as $5,830 (!). Is this an accurate price?
Bob, I don't know the MSRP for a Dominus phono, a Venustas is $1800. However they are both available new for the following prices:

Dominus w/Ferox-$3300.00

I'm using a Venustas with my SME V / Tranny W, and the sound is quite spectacular. I'd like to hear a Dominus just to see what (if anything) I'm missing, but up til now, the Venustas is the best I've ever heard.
Dear Barolo: Almost all cable manufacturers can give you the right-angle that you are looking for.

I agree totally with what 76doublebass already post.
You don't have to put several KK dollars for a stellar cable performance, there are many great cables for a low price, between them: Harmonic Technologies, Analysis Plus, XLO, Kimber KCAG.
I own all of them ( silver ones ) and in the past I try severals top dollars cables ( including Purist Design, Nordost, Siltech, etc... ). Those ones outperforms the top dollars cables.

Be careful when you make your phono cable choice.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Dear Barolo: A little mistake: the XLO is a cooper material cable.

Regards and enjoy the music.