Clearaudio v. Teres

I like the "look" of the clearaudio champion or solution as well as the Teres 160 or 255 turntables. I'd love to hear anybody's feedback on which of these tables they like the best. Tonearm/cartridge recommendation? I'd like to buy one of these. I listen to about 75% jazz and 25% classical. Both enjoy positive general reviews. I'm curious about your opinion the sonic differences and mechanical differences between them. Thanks... Jeff
I can answer that. I had a Clearaudio Champion Level 2 using their tonearm and a Sigma Wood cartridge before switching to a Teres 265. The Teres was a very large step up in performance. I kept the Sigma Wood cartiridge and used a Graham arm on the Teres. Eventually I changed to the Lyra helikon cartridge but, if I were to do it again, I would use the Graham Nightingale cartridge.

Did you use the Graham (what model?) with the Clearaudio, too?
I own a Clearaudio CHampion Level 2/Unify/Goldfinger and it sounded really good.
I would second the Teres recommendation (I have a Teres 340 and the Graham 2.2).
If you ever decide to try another cartridge, test drive the ZYX UNIverse. It is beyond wonderful and maybe as good as it gets.
As much as I love my Graham 2.2, the Schroder Reference was phenomenally better. The latest Tri-planar was quite a few notches above the Graham (but a bit strong on the attacks for my taste) and the Schroder was significantly better than the Tri-Planar. I was fortunate to hear all three tonearms on my table in my system on the same weekend with the same LP's.

A Schroder Reference is definitely in my future. Heaven is a Teres 340, Schroder Reference Arm and a ZYX UNIverse cartridge.