Clearaudio v. Teres

I like the "look" of the clearaudio champion or solution as well as the Teres 160 or 255 turntables. I'd love to hear anybody's feedback on which of these tables they like the best. Tonearm/cartridge recommendation? I'd like to buy one of these. I listen to about 75% jazz and 25% classical. Both enjoy positive general reviews. I'm curious about your opinion the sonic differences and mechanical differences between them. Thanks... Jeff
Hello Thomas,
I will gladly explain why your post upset me.
It was triggerered by(quote):

"Ahem Larry, say "Hi" to Frank the next time, and I still think, his arm is overpriced. But maybe not for everyone"

It is the "Ahem" that, to me, implies that I am in regular contact with Larry, which, unfortunately, I'm not. There is no teaming up, no conspiracy...
As for the second part, let me qote you again: "unfortunately no one asked for that, but who cares"

You asked:
"Whom I have accused ?"
Your own answer:
"Sorry, I can't help, but sometimes I have the feeling that a few use the forum here to push "some" products. And I have this "feeling" mainly when I read comments from Teres owners."

You asked:
"Who is a VERY honorable member ?"
To name a few: Cello is, Doug Deacon is and so is Lugnut(Patrick Malone), all three of which I had the pleasure to meet in person. Others might disagree, but in my book they are true gentlemen.

You wrote:
"When I read the first line, I knew what's coming and I got it right. Teres is super, Schroeder Reference is more than super ( unfortunately no one asked for that, but who cares ) "

Jj2468 asked for opinions on Teres decks, mentioning the associated components should help him(and others)to put the advice in perspective.
Besides that, the first line of the quote does sound like you have a bias against said posters and products.

You wrote:
"I push no one in a shady corner, you don't have to be upset for others."

The first part of your quote was addresses above and I do take the freedom to be upset when I feel that someone is wrongfully misrepresented.

You wrote:
"What you try to do, even in AudioAsylum, is attacking people.
YOU are on the agressive side, when there is a report or opinion, when there is a discussion about one of your product, which is not in "awe".

As I said in my initial reply, I welcome criticism and would not react negatively to any remarks about the sonic qualities, the handling or the execution of my arms(criticism is instrumental in improving any product). Comments on pricing are an entirely different matter, because, so far, they came from people who didn't know what they were talking about. In the past I tried to explain what constitutes the price of any product manufactured/marketed by a small company in high end audio, most people understand, some don't, so be it.
And, off course, you are entitled to your opinion.
Lots of people are not "in awe" when looking at my arms, it's human nature to have differing likes and dislikes. And when it comes to listening, you always listen to a whole system(+room), never a single component. Obviously some components will fit the respective jigsaw puzzle better than others.

You wrote:
"I wrote all my mails in a civilized manner, when there is a kind of agressive tone, then it was always from you."

A generalization, not correct on both accounts.

You wrote:
"Is anyone out there who collects answers about Schroeder tonearms ?"

As far as I can tell, the answer to your question is no.

You wrote:
"I think, a "big brother" is watching me."
Yeah, me too, --and all the others.... ;-)

This reply was not written to start a "but you said,and I never said.." string. I would merely like you to understand why I reacted the way I did.

I shall not reply to posts after 3.a.m.
I shall not reply to posts after 3.a.m.
I shall not reply to posts after 3.a.m.
I shall not re.....


Dear sirspeedy,
Thanks for pulling out the fire extinguisher(and aiming it at my face too), I should have mentioned you as another honorable member of this forum(and I mean it).
I'll go for some Burgundy a little later...


Frank,I'm not as honorable as you may suspect.I lied about the Reisling,and went for a Shiraz,instead.Though I pulled a late night listening session,'til 2 am.,and, had a ball,ALONE in my dedicated music room(my little version of "The Fortress Of Solitude").

One point,to those wanting to get more out of their systems."It's AMAZING how GOOD your set-up sounds,when you have a half bottle of wine,in you"!!A cheap tweak,too!

Hi all. Thanks for your input so far. I'm leaning toward the teres. I'm thinking about making my own base. What do you think about using granite as the base? Is it a good or bad idea? It would have lots of mass, but I don't know anything about the resonant qualities of granite. Granite weighs roughly 180 lbs per cubic foot. I figure a granite base would weight about 70 to 90 pounds. Thoughts?