In the right circumstances coathangers can be formidable devices. Remember, 'Mommy Dearest'? The current maker is certainly aware of problem #2. I told him myself and the dealer I installed an arm for also brought it to his attention. A lower durometer sleeve on the cueing support would be a more elegant solution for him to adopt.
Despite these unresolved eccentricities, if you're comfortable with your VI I think you should consider upgrading it to a VII. Two well-eared audiophiles who've heard both the VII and previous versions were thoroughly surprised at how much better the VII sounds. In my own experience it comes very close to matching the finest arm I've heard, and actually beats it in a few areas. Frank Schroeder himself was surprised at how close the Mark VII came to his Reference, and has been very complimentary in several internet postings.
I have to concur, sadly, on your view of Herb Papier's successor. He seems to view his role as curator of a museum piece and has been quite uninterested in making any refinements.
My arm (dealer demo) came with the finger lift firmly attached to the headshell. I've tried to remove it but the screw was fastened with Loktite or something. It won't budge. I'm all for tweaks but I draw the line at hacksaws!
Thanks for tweaking my sloppy terminology. You'll get no backlash from me. Of course idea #6 will work on any arm with an exposed end stub. I used it on my OL Silver for a while. IMO this is actually superior to VTF fine-tuning mechanisms, not to mention less expensive. Who knows what sonic baggage all those springs and screws and dials may carry? An O-ring on the end stub is just as easy to use and shouldn't contribute to any resonance problems.
In the right circumstances coathangers can be formidable devices. Remember, 'Mommy Dearest'? The current maker is certainly aware of problem #2. I told him myself and the dealer I installed an arm for also brought it to his attention. A lower durometer sleeve on the cueing support would be a more elegant solution for him to adopt.
Despite these unresolved eccentricities, if you're comfortable with your VI I think you should consider upgrading it to a VII. Two well-eared audiophiles who've heard both the VII and previous versions were thoroughly surprised at how much better the VII sounds. In my own experience it comes very close to matching the finest arm I've heard, and actually beats it in a few areas. Frank Schroeder himself was surprised at how close the Mark VII came to his Reference, and has been very complimentary in several internet postings.
I have to concur, sadly, on your view of Herb Papier's successor. He seems to view his role as curator of a museum piece and has been quite uninterested in making any refinements.
My arm (dealer demo) came with the finger lift firmly attached to the headshell. I've tried to remove it but the screw was fastened with Loktite or something. It won't budge. I'm all for tweaks but I draw the line at hacksaws!
Thanks for tweaking my sloppy terminology. You'll get no backlash from me. Of course idea #6 will work on any arm with an exposed end stub. I used it on my OL Silver for a while. IMO this is actually superior to VTF fine-tuning mechanisms, not to mention less expensive. Who knows what sonic baggage all those springs and screws and dials may carry? An O-ring on the end stub is just as easy to use and shouldn't contribute to any resonance problems.