The ZYX Airy2, Airy3 and UNIverse would all be great matches for the Schroder Reference with the UNIverse leading the pack by a large margin.
The Airy3 is superior to the Airy2 in many ways, but the Airy3 can be a bit bright in some systems and depending on your taste. If you budget allows, the UNIverese is a no brainer and would be magical with the Reference and great value for the money.
Read Doug Deacon's review of the UNIverse and his reviews of the Airy2 and Airy3
UNIverse = http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?ranlg&1117141508&read&keyw&zzuniverse
Airy 2 & Airy 3 Reviews = http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?ranlg&1104115011&read&keyw&zzuniverse
The ZYX Airy2, Airy3 and UNIverse would all be great matches for the Schroder Reference with the UNIverse leading the pack by a large margin.
The Airy3 is superior to the Airy2 in many ways, but the Airy3 can be a bit bright in some systems and depending on your taste. If you budget allows, the UNIverese is a no brainer and would be magical with the Reference and great value for the money.
Read Doug Deacon's review of the UNIverse and his reviews of the Airy2 and Airy3
UNIverse = http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?ranlg&1117141508&read&keyw&zzuniverse
Airy 2 & Airy 3 Reviews = http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?ranlg&1104115011&read&keyw&zzuniverse