Ready to try vinyl

I would like to buy a turntable just to see what all the fuss is about. Since I remember the pops and scratches all too well, I do not want to spend alot just to satisfy my curiosity. I want a turntable that is capable of giving me a "taste" of what the vinyl sound is all about without going overboard. I can always upgrade if I like what I hear. I would also like to avoid deciding against vinyl because the turntable was not capable of capturing at least the basics. What turntables should I be looking at and how much should I spend? I would prefer to buy used due to the experimental nature of this adventure. Current gear is Sunfire processor with phono input, a pair of Classe M 701's, and B&W 800N. I am relying on your responses since I don't know squat. Thanks for your help.
R-xxxx, it was not "experts" who discovered the world was not flat, you miss the point AGAIN: they were, by definition, cranks, since they went against the orthodox opinion which existed at the time. In Galileo's day, the "experts" spent a lot of time and effort working out complex epicycles to fit the observed movements of the stars in a scheme which placed earth at the center. Then the cranks Galileo and Copernicus came along and told them that all those years of belief and effort were wrong (sound familiar?), that if you placed the sun at the centre of the universe then all the movements made sense. It was not only the Church which opposed Galileo, but nearly the entirety of the scholars of Europe. In fact, Copernicus was so afraid of the battle his theory would bring with it that he waited until the end of his life to publish it. And you do not address in any of your posts the issue of an unexamined assumption, and science is FILLED with unexamined assumptions, something which would make scientists nervous should it ever get out. This might lead to a little thing called "independent thought", which would go a long ways to dimishing the unquestioned power of the "experts". Another word for "unexamined assumptions" is "paradigm", and a profound shift in science (or any area of thought) caused by a re-examination and change of fundamental assumptions is called a "paradigm shift". As to Bacon's dicta being quaint, a lawyer's trick, sophistry to defend routine scientific actions denying the results of experiments (often by simply cvalling them "anomalies" and sweeping them under the carpet) to support cherished theories contradicted by them; the increasing reliance on theory with no means of testing them (18-dimensional space which is as relevant and testable as the number of angles which dance on the head of a pin) is an example of the degeneration of science, not its evolution. And as to comparing myself to Galileo and others, this is called an "example", a "precedent", a "comparison". I do not equate myself with Galileo, we're talking record players here. The point is the case of Galileo and Darwin are examples everyone knows, so they understand what I'm talking about: one fellow everyone is now familiar with, says everyone is wrong, and is later declared right, as everyone knows. Should I instead refer to "Dweeble Wainright" who invented a better dough for donuts to make the point for fear someone like you will come along and accuse me of thinking I rank with them? Are we then to always avoid referring to well-known figures in ANY discussion for fear we will be charged with megalomania? No more referrals to Shakespeare in a discussion of literature, because this means you are equating yourself to him, and thus showing your megalomania. Can't have that, so let's make the process infinitely longer, research nobodies no one ever heard of, spend hours and pages of text explaining them, and THEN use them to make a point. These tactics are a standard argumentative device peddled out by scientists and scholars to discredit those whose ideas they don't like: nail them on another cooked-up issue, the history of science is filled with such manipulations. Either you're too dumb to understand the concept of precedent, or you are deliberately trying to represent me in a negative light, and damn that old concept integrity and fairness anyway. As to observation being theory-laden, theory is derived from observations, without observation and controlled experiment we're back to believing horses are impregnated by the wind. There IS no science without observation and experimentation, without them, then it is simple blowing wind, which is my point. In the case of Lencos, they must be compared. And nowhere did I write that the very fact "experts" agree on something is the reason they must be wrong, I used the EXAMPLE of "experts" agreeing on something having been shown to be wrong to suggest they might be wrong in the case of belt-drive, as I have tried to make clear, and thought I HAD made clear, several times: "Did ANY of these companies say "Gee, I think I'll try out a Garrard 301, and then a Technics SP10 MKII, to decide for myself which approach I should adopt"?, or did they say "Gee, even if they're better, the cost of manufacturing would be too high and the project too complex and intimidating"? or finally and most likely "Idler-wheel, direct-drive, say what?"." The same happened with tubes long ago when solid state was deemed superior and tubes largely abandoned until, hey, someone actually decided to go back and listen and found it actually DOES sound good!" Jeez, is it someting in the water, this is turning into a nightmare!

So does this mean that I believe record players are as important as Galileo's work?! Nowhere did I write this, does no one understand the concept of a comparison?!!! Well, let's answer this anyway, because probably the concept of a "rhetorical question" has also faded from the degenerating mind of Western citizens: NO, of course not, but science is science, and evidence (AND logic, an illogical theory is a wrong one) is ALWAYS stronger than theory, meaning if an experiment shows a theory to be false, then that theory is false, this is called "integrity", or do you believe that the principles of science are only to be applied in larger issues of biology and astronomy, but not in other fields of research, and not in lesser points in those very areas of research, or indeed anywhere outside the control of famous scientists?

Finally, if the humble Lenco can humiliate so many highly-regarded belt-drive turntables, as it does when someone actually sits down for a fair comparison, then one must find the reason why (or you could not rock the boat, support the status quo, and sweep the evidence under the carpet, since that Bacon was so primitive in his simplistic beliefs, NOW we're talking modern routine scholarship and science). The Lenco is not a totally stupendous piece of engineering like Albert's Walker is, or indeed even most of its "competitors", in fact it is quite humble, so what can be the reason? This may not be of cosmic significance, but it is EXACTLY what makes science so fascinating, which is why I refer to science so much in promoting the Lenco Challenge, it makes the whole project fascinating and fun, you do understand the concept of fun and fascination don't you? It allows even us little spuds to dabble in and learn about the scientific process, or are you against the general population using their own heads and their own hands to participate in the scientific process to come to their own decisions, rather than allow themselves to be led by the "experts," who will charge them with megalomania should they have the temerity to think they too can apply fundametal principles and come to their own understanding? NOW we get to the theory part you think I've missed in my simple-minded megalomania (or more likely, any port in a storm in an argument): observation shows the Lenco is far better than its simple construction indicates, and what differentiates it from the belt-drives is its idler-wheel system, a system which ruled until belt-drives came along. Now while I am NOT saying this is of cosmic significance, I AM saying that principles are principles, and if evidence at whatever level shows a dominating theory to be wrong, then, especially in an arena which allows so many to participate (this hobby is filled with DIYers, and record players are easily accessible, no lab equipment other than a stereo system required), we should encourage these experiments, not try to suppress them. Should education be limited to children, or are we allowed to continue to learn as we grow older? Or will the scientific world shake and quake becaue audiophiles are tinkering in their living rooms and thinking?!

To the person who initiated this thread, I apologize for hijhacking this thread, I had no idea when I dared to state that since experts in the past had been wrong then experts now might be wrong I would be opening such a HUGE can 'o worms, which I suppose explains why so many (as Copernicus in his day....ooops, not allowed to use "examples", so Frederick Gorbudarian in his day) decide to simply keep quiet. As I wrote far above, I do love analogue (evidently) and applaud your choice in moving ahead to find out for yourself (yes being active in an experiment to come to your own decisions) to see if vinyl rates. I hope this starts a whole new area of enjoyment for you, I know I never stopped loving the old vinyl. Enjoy.
Hey Jean des Nantes,

You clearly didn't read what I wrote, or understand it to the extent you passed your eyes over it. And don't try to tell me my Kuhn, or my history of science, you dillatante.

Anyway, I am gratefully humbled. I had though *I* was pompous and long winded!
About five years ago, I decided to make the jump back to vinyl. I've got lots of old records that I was never able to part with, and with reading all that was said on these forums, decided to give it a shot.

After a lot of reading, I came to the conclusion that the majority here say, belt drive was the way to go.

I bought a Thorens TD125, and worked on it for three years, off and on, and basically liked it. Went to all the Thorens sites, lots of learning and tinkering.

One thing that always stood out to me, was that the speed stability was somewhat lacking. I cleaned, oiled, bought new belts, but could see by the strobe markings that it wavered no matter what I did. I'm not golden-eared, but I could also hear it on certain passages. Did I get a bad TD125? Perhaps

I loved the sound of vinyl, I still wanted to play records, yet I was unable to make it sound right.

After reading the stuff about DD tables, I took a risk. I bought a used Technics SL1200 MK2 off ebay. I knew that a lot of these have been abused as DJ units in clubs, but the pictures looked good, and the guy selling it seemed believable.

It is the best deal I've ever made. The only tweaks I've made, are the ones that Kevin at KBUSA recommends, the sorbothane footers, and the fluid damper for the tonearm. There's a power supply add on that I've yet to get, as the speed stability is perfect, and I question whether I need it.

I'm not telling anyone to do anything, or knocking any other equipment. This was MY experience getting back into vinyl.

Used SL1200 $200
fluid damper $149
footers? Can't remember, but reasonale
Dear friends: I think that Johnnantais is right in many ways and I agree with him in many issues.

His Gallileo, Bacon, etcc references, are a way to dramatize a fact that the 99% of the people " can't see it " or does not " want to see it ".

Opalchip do serious statements about what exactly is the job of a TT for to know what can we expect from a TT : +++++ " What exactly does a turntable do? It's a platter spun by a motor that we put a record on. The ABSOLUTE BEST thing it can do is turn at an accurate, highly constant 33rpm and not impart any vibration to the lp. It cannot "add" anything positive to the playback. " +++++

Any one of you have to agree with those statements, especially: ACCURATE AND HIGHLY CONSTANT SPEED ( 33/45rpm in the short and long run ).

Here the idler/DD TT's beats any belt drive design ( including the Walker ). I own four belt drive TTs, three SP 10MK2, two DP80s and one DP75 Denon's. In the past I was owner of: SP10MK3 and a Denon DP 100 ( please don't ask why I don't own today these two TTs. I don't want to remember it ).

The idler/DD servo TTs are dead steady on the rpm issue. The motor in the DD TT is really a tour de force, at least in the DD models that I own.

The pitch in the music reproduction in a home audio system is the most critical subject for a right musical appreciation. Any small variation in the TT speed change the pitch and change totally what we are hearing.

The problem in the belt drive systems is in the belt drive it self ( not in the small motors that are using ), all kind of belt drive materials: kevlar, nylon, silk, rubber, etc., have the tendency to stretch ( every single second that are in use ), is this tendency to stetch what do almost impossible to mantain a constant speed. The DD drive servo TTs don't have to fight with this critical issue and don't have that little speed variations that the belt drive have: especially in the short run, that is where really is important. Now, it is not only the stretch tendency on the belt drive system what is a critical issue there are other critical issues in a belt drive systems, like: changes in the room temperature, changes in the room humidity, the pulley and platter friction with the belt, the pulley/platter build imperfections, etc...

This single subject: " ACCURATE AND HIGHLY CONSTANT SPEED ", ( where everything the same ) do the difference between a belt drive system against a DD system, where the DD system beats the belt drive system.

Johnnantais don't have to go so far away: the best TT system is the Rockpor Sirius, this 70K+ " baby " use a DD system: wonder why? Don't you think that if the " experts belt drive system " was the better Rockport would had choose it?

The three belt drive systems TTs that are in my current audio system are very good on the speed issue but aren't perfect: I'm checking every day and some days after/before every listen record the speed variation.

There are many issues of the why's many of us and all the " reviewers/experts " are using belt drive systems: but this situation is only circunstantial and does not means that the belt drive system is better than the direct drive system, because it's not.

Regards and enjoy the music.