Linn LP12 Valhalla 45 rpm

This is the most embarassing question I've ever posed here. I bought a used LP 12 Valhalla many years ago and always assumed that, like my previous LP12, it won't play 45 rpm. But now I think that maybe there's an adapter for the Valhalla Linns. True? I'd sure like to get some of those 45 rpm Fantasy Jazz reissues.
Ag insider logo xs@2xdrubin
I agree with Palasr. I also am intrigued by the OL motor and controller but have yet to take the plunge. I've listened to a lot of tables and have yet to find a compelling reason to dump my Linn. I traded my 70's model LP12 in on the one I have owned now since 1984 and until it holds my system back it will stay.
The install is easy and doesn't change the setup. Palasr is correct regarding the force on the pulley when installing the adapter. The key is to shim the pulley before installing the adapter. Then remove the shim. There is plenty of length in the OL power supply cable to allow its' placement on another shelf. Wendell.
I ordered the OL DC motor kit. Way too expensive just to get 45rpm, but I'm expecting a substantial boost in the performance of my Linn, so that's a good thing. Thanks for your help, everybody.
Yeah, but a bargain compared to the Lingo and most people consider it superior. Add that to the increasing difficulty of getting worthwhile LP12 support from Linn and it becomes a relative bargain.