Getting and keeping records clean................


I have my turntable on the way and my vinyl collection growing weekly. I am thinking I will need to get a record cleaning machine to enjoy vinyl to its full potential. What RCM are recommended by you? Is it possible to clean records by hand effectively? I wonder if I can clean my collection by hand now with disc doctor or similar and brushes? I plan on getting a record cleaning machine but it will probably take a little while before I can swing the dough for one. Any help would be greatly appreciated such as which cleaning solution to use and brushes and their source. Thanks again.
I have been hand cleaning my records for the past six months and really felt very happy with the results. It was time consuming but a series of cleans with various sollutions and most were very quiet. Last weekend I purchased a VPI 16.5 and with the RRL solution and VPI solution I am in awe of how much better they sound. It was the most significant upgrade I have made in audio ever. I have some Disc Doctor pads and solution and Audio Intelegence comming as well. I highly recommend a RCM. I am very very happy with my 16.5.
Get a VPI 16.5. If you're serious about analog it's a must have. There are many cleaning fluids: I like the Disc Doctor. Also you must check out Last Record Preservative. You put it on after you clean your records. Please keep in mind new records must get the same treatment. Last claims you can put their treament on and your records will be good for 200 plays. I went to a junky used record store in Chicago and the only thing that caught my eye was an old Mobile Fidelity of David Bowie And The Spiders From Mars. I cleaned and Lasted that record 5 years ago and it still sounds like new. In fact I think I'll go listen to it.... Best Of Luck
Hi guys,
I have had various vinyl rigs for 30 years. I now have lots of tables. I've never wet cleaned a record yet.
My friend who seems to spend more time with his Keith Monks
and flavour of the month fluid than listening, always comments that my system does not show up surface noise/vinyl roar like his does (whatever table/arm/cartridge combo I'm using).
I always thought if you kept the stylus clean (zerodust - I use zyx's)that was the best way of lifting crap from the groove.
I must try this but it will be a cheapo hand operated job for 'bargain buys' that need a clean.
Last Record record cleaner and applicators; there is no need for a machine unless you have the space and desire to spend materially more money.
I clean my records by hand and am very happy with my results. I use 4 "microfiber cloths", the 16" size available at many places. 1 I use as a pad on a firm surface, 1 I cut into small pieces as applicators/scrubbers and the other 2 I use to remove the RRl cleaners I like. First pad goes down followed by the record. Next, I apply a few drops of RRL Deep Cleaner and scrub pretty hard in a circular motion. Once I'm satisfied I've done a complete scrub, I use 1 of the cloths to really scrub dry the record also following the grooves. This is followed by repeating the process with RRl Super Vinyl Wash. I keep the cloths seperate so I don't mix them up and I store the cloths in seperate plastic containers. I usually just dust the records once clean with the DRY pledge cleaning cloths. Works great for me. Cheap to. You can also enjoy your music as you are cleaning rather than the infernal sounds of a vacume.