Getting and keeping records clean................


I have my turntable on the way and my vinyl collection growing weekly. I am thinking I will need to get a record cleaning machine to enjoy vinyl to its full potential. What RCM are recommended by you? Is it possible to clean records by hand effectively? I wonder if I can clean my collection by hand now with disc doctor or similar and brushes? I plan on getting a record cleaning machine but it will probably take a little while before I can swing the dough for one. Any help would be greatly appreciated such as which cleaning solution to use and brushes and their source. Thanks again.
Automatic record cleaning machines are a great convenience I suppose. I use a manual machine, the Record Doctor II, and I guarantee that with a little elbow grease and the right cleaning solutions, no machine will get your records any cleaner. You can buy a lot of vinyl with the money saved.
For very dirty records I use warm water with dishsoap and a very soft towel to dry them. A sponge works fine to clean the records. Towels are used to lay the record down to soak off the water. Cheap; recommended as the method by Last Record as well as Nick Gowan.

Once the gunk is cleaned off I just use the Last Record fluid with their applicator device as I posted earlier.
Wntrmute2 - I spent alsmost nothing on my RCM - just the cost of a crevice tool for my shop vac and some felt and double stick tape to adapt it for record cleaning. While I doubt it will outperform a Loricraft, I also think it will perform on par with the other similarly designed machines and I absolutely know from experience that it way out performs hand record washing.
Has anyone had the experience, with hand cleaning, of having the stylus becoming the final cleaner and eventually totally gunking up. I had to change cartridges-very expensive.