Do you think you need a subwoofer?

Why almost any one needs subwoofers in their audio systems?

I talk with my audio friends about and each one give me different answers, from: I don't need it, to : I love that.

Some of you use subwoofers and many do in the speakers forum and everywhere.

The question is: why we need subwoofers ? or don't?

My experience tell me that this subwoofers subject is a critical point in the music/sound reproduction in home audio systems.

What do you think?
Ag insider logo xs@2xrauliruegas
Hi Raul, how about a recent picture of your system? That picture is ancient. It must look quite different. I am sure many things have come and gone, along with equipment position, tweaks and room/fashion changes.

Dear Bob: By coincide that was something that I already have in mind. Yes there are some changes: TT, tonearms,MM cartridges, speaker mods, Phonolne preamp up-grades, etc, etc.

Any way you can read through the " virtual system " about those changes.

Regards and enjoy the music.
I've struggled with the "two sub" question,though I currently have a REL Stentor reinforcing my Avalons(which have output below 30 hz,and are a sealed design).
My sub is positioned in the right/rear of room,not in corner,but not too far away (3from back x 2ft from side),and close to my right channel speaker.Very good blend!
I have called REL/Sumiko and was very interested in obtaining a second one,even though my own set-up does not call for it,on my own impressions,but have read SO much about the two sub option.
Sumiko adamantly stated my main speakers definitely did NOT require this second sub,since it's output was so good,and were against selling me one.
For a mfgr to recommend against selling "product" my radar told me that #1--here was a responsible company,and #2--my own impressions,which are often pretty good,should be adhered to.I am sticking with one sub...BUt my room is not large,at only 22.5 ftx 13 ft.
Go figure.
Dear Sirspeedy: I wonder what happen with you and your mind. Almost two years ago everything was clear about ( after a lot of posts betwwen you and me reasoning about. ), here it is your agreement:
+++++ " Raul,as per your last thread,I finally DO get your point,which is valid.Best wishes!
Speedy! " +++++, this was in 2005 in this thread.

Now, +++++ " For a mfgr to recommend against selling "product" my radar told me that #1--here was a responsible company .. " +++++

I'm sorry to disagree about on this subject but ( like I already posted somewhere in this thread ) IMHO that mfgr people does not nothing about improve the quality sound reproduction with the integration of two subwoofers in true stereo way, simple they don't have the precise know-how about, this ignorance IMHO is not a " responsible company " but ignorance, that's all.

Sirspeedy please re-read here ( and send to that mfgr people ):

If you and the Sumiko people can't understand what are on those links it is useless to follow talking about because both of you never had the opportunity to try the integration in your system of two subs in true stereo way but have argumentation against it: how could be that?, both of you continue with arguments with out facts!!!!.

Sirspeedy, maybe I could understand the Sumiko people ( because they are commercial oriented ) that sale the RELs that can't be integrated in true stereo fashion due that its crossover does not have a high pass filter but I can't understand to you ( with all respect ) that till today I think you are a wise and mature man.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Raul,in two years much can happen!...I changed my mind because, #1...I am very satisfied with my current(as of now) results,and #2...I have heard alot of superb set-ups since!!...The latest,being a Zanden/VTL/VAC/Brinkman/JM Labs Nova speaker driven "super system",in a large room.I liked the sound,like others present,but still have no reason to want more from my own low end performance,which I have greatly improved as of late....Also,my own group of audio friends(who have actually "heard" my set-up) are against the second sub,in "my" room!They've been in my room loads of times,so forgive me if I go with their recommendation.

"Til today I think you are a wise and mature man"...

Well sorry if you think otherwise!..Actually I can reverse the sentiment,as I would have thought that someone with your supposed experience would reserve judgement until something is actually "heard".In this case you are simply "assuming" something,based on theory.I choose my decisions on my actual aural experience.This is where we differ,I guess.