I've struggled with the "two sub" question,though I currently have a REL Stentor reinforcing my Avalons(which have output below 30 hz,and are a sealed design).
My sub is positioned in the right/rear of room,not in corner,but not too far away (3from back x 2ft from side),and close to my right channel speaker.Very good blend!
I have called REL/Sumiko and was very interested in obtaining a second one,even though my own set-up does not call for it,on my own impressions,but have read SO much about the two sub option.
Sumiko adamantly stated my main speakers definitely did NOT require this second sub,since it's output was so good,and were against selling me one.
For a mfgr to recommend against selling "product" my radar told me that #1--here was a responsible company,and #2--my own impressions,which are often pretty good,should be adhered to.I am sticking with one sub...BUt my room is not large,at only 22.5 ftx 13 ft.
Go figure.