Teres 265 or 320 vs. Sota Cosmos

I am looking at picking up a new Turntable. As of right now I'm guessing either would be equipped with a Triplaner arm and the ZYX Airy 2.

BUT anyway has anyone had the chance to do a direct comparison between these models? What differences did you notice, and how would you compare them?

Any insight would be appreciated!
Nrchy,Could you elaborate as to what the current problem is.If any.As someone who went through a wait,last year,I may be able to offer some help/support!
I have found and eliminated a series of problems. The issue currently is that the arm lift assembly is sitting on top of the Cosmos chassis when the VTA is correct. To raise the arm enough requires me to set the VTA too high. I have been in contact with Kirk and am waiting his response as we speak.

There is very little bass present in the set up right now. I know that the cartridge has a ways to go before it is able to reproduce good deep bass, but still...

I would appreciate any insight you might offer. I know this is not just a mismatch between the TriPlanar and the Cosmos since Sota uses the same combination at CES and other venues. I'm at a loss.
Nrchy,to me this is simply amazing!!I had the exact same problem,when first ordering my Triplaner/Cosmos,some time ago.I "freaked out"(my dealer was supposed to check out compatability here,and did not).What I ultimately had to do,was to have Triplaner(Herb Papier,at the time) make me a spacer,that went between the arm's headshell and cartridge.This allowed for vta adjustments,but added unwanted mass.I had always felt that the Triplaner was not such a hot "fit" for the Cosmos,but as you say,Sota does use it at trade shows,but it may be fitted on a Millenia.

In any case I don't want to alarm you.You have paid good money for your stuff,and ANY good dealer/manufacturer should take responsibility for any potential problems.Especially if you had mentioned to them the combo of arm/table you preferred.The audiophile community is a small one,and you should exercise your right to have this problem solved quickly,and to your satisfaction.

Don't do as I did,and wait 2-3 years before you realized that you could not extract optimum performance, from a front end that should be nearly state of the art.Kirk is a truly great guy,and will bend over backwards to try to help you.I think,as in my situation your dealer(for the arm) is responsible for making sure of no problems,in matching arm/table here.LEAN on him a bit.If he's worth his weight then he should solve your problem,and fast.It is NOT up to you to do the legwork,after spending audio "big bucks".

I wish you the best,and you can communicate your concerns any time.Also,it would not hurt if you were to indicate,to any dealer/type seller,of your analog rig,that you have more than a few interested parties(in your dilemma),on the web.That should send a message!!
Nate, two questions:

1. The Cosmos picture on the SOTA website shows the arm mounting area is actually recessed into the plinth. Is yours like that?

2. If so, is it a case of the arm hitting the edge of that plinth cutout when you try to lower the VTA tower?

Sirspeedy, Sota uses the TriPlanar with the Cosmos and the Millenia. My concern is that the suspension is hanging too low from the chassis. If the sub-chassis sat up higher there would be no issue, but at the same time I doubt that Kirk has the same issue with his own display models.

Doug, you are correct in your assesment of the Cosmos construction. The floating sub-chassis which contains the platter, and the armboard is hung from the main or outer portion of the chassis.

The arm lift assembly is actually sitting on top of the chassis when the VTA is set anywhere near it's intended location.

The entire works is boxed up and awaiting shipping back to Sota, where I hope Kirk will find something obvious that I did wrong, or something wrong in construction that we be rectified.

Hope for the best and expect the worst...