Lamm LP2 and WE417A tubes

I recently purchased one of these and it really is a world class phono stage. Over the years I've had both Pass ONO units, the CJ pr15, an earlier version Aesthetix IO, and lots of lesser units. It is by far the best sounding with the possible exception of the IO.

I was suprised to find Raytheon 5842's in after reading the claim on their website:

Its unique circuitry utilizes specially selected very low noise high trans-conductance Western Electric 417A / 5842 vacuum tubes.

When I asked them about this they said that the dash between 417A and 5842 means "or." They told me that the WE tubes are too expensive and hard to get so they use the Raytheon. In my opinion this is being deceptive since WE also stamped their tubes with 5842 and Lamm invokes the WE name with no intention of ever using the tubes.

So now I sit here and wonder if I'm missing something by not getting some real WE 417A's to try, but I don't want to spend that kind of money if it doesn't change things for the better.

Has anyone tried real Western Electric tubes in it?
JaFox, now that I think about it, the tube thing was the reason I got rid of it. It was getting the point of needing tubes and a factory set was $500 for a single PS unit. Getting into tube rolling was beyond my means at the time and even a stock set was a stretch so I decided to move on. I got a Pass AlephOno which wasn't up to the task of competing with the IO but was a fine unit at the price.

If the Lamm is crap and the IO is worse then I hate to think what the Pass was. Probably ruined my hearing.
Herman, I can send you my spare set of WE 417a tubes to try if you'd like. Although I didn't do extensive a/b comparisons, I believe the WE to be slightly more refined presenting a smoother sound with similar tonality. It wasn't a huge improvement, less than I expected, but worth the $200 investment in my opinion. The LP2 sounds good to me but I'm not as critical as Romy (Rbes). If there is something better mass produced, reliable, and at a similar price point, I would like to hear it.
Thanks for the offer Ethannn, that is a very kind and civilized thing to do. I will contact you via email.
Wow! $500 for just a pair of EL34 and 6 12ax7's for the PS? Something is very wrong with that. I just put in a pair of EI EL34's and 6 EI 12ax7's for a combined $98 in the Io and it sounds mighty good. I must try the same with the Callisto which has Mullard EL34s and Telefunken 12ax7....but another day. Anyway, you're a happy camper with the LP2.