Dynavector or Grado ?

I plan on purchasing the VPI Superscoutmaster and prefer to have the cartridge mounted by VPI before it is shipped to the dealer.
VPI will mount Dynavector and Grado cartridges ONLY as they are the 2 brands they sell.
Query...which is the better sounding cartridge?
The high end Dynavector lists for $4000 and the high end Grado lists for $2500.
I only listen to rock and roll music.
For reference, I have an Arcam FMJ pre amp. with a phonostage and Arcam FMJ mono amps.
Thanks for looking!
I have the Scout with the 20X and spending so much for the top model is kind of foolish, especially if you listen to rock music mainly. As most rock music wasnt produced that well to begin with.

I think the 20X gives you a great performance % of the top dogs for very little.
Perhaps Tpsonic should mention he is a dealer and has an interest in the Dynavector line.
With a JMW10/Aries combo, the DV20XH was an excellent cartridge for rock and roll, actually I thought it was excellent period. Tain't heard the grado.
I replaced it with a Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood (yeck)and then a Shelter 901 and the a Lyra Helicon SL. Of the 4, the DV20 was the smart buy.
THe Grado cartidges are a little more forgiving of bad recordings than other cartridges. Little experiance with the Dynavectors. Grado Sonata is avery nice sounding cart.

Good luck!
Before buying the 20XH for my Scout I talked at length with the tech folks at VPI. According to them the performance parameters of the Dynavector add up to ideal synergy with the VPI. They could not make a stronger recommendation for matching the table. After 6 months I couldn't agree more--super sound and a great value. I'd say go for the Dyna! (P.S. I concur with the hum and vibration problems of the Grado. I had one mounted in a Rega RB300 that shimmied like crazy and my friend put one in his Aries Extended that hummed like a dog. I'm sure the Grados can sound good but I'll be damned if I could get one to run right in either set up.)