Dynavector or Grado ?

I plan on purchasing the VPI Superscoutmaster and prefer to have the cartridge mounted by VPI before it is shipped to the dealer.
VPI will mount Dynavector and Grado cartridges ONLY as they are the 2 brands they sell.
Query...which is the better sounding cartridge?
The high end Dynavector lists for $4000 and the high end Grado lists for $2500.
I only listen to rock and roll music.
For reference, I have an Arcam FMJ pre amp. with a phonostage and Arcam FMJ mono amps.
Thanks for looking!
Aquaman, about three months ago, I upgraded my van den Hul Frog to the top Dynavector cartridge (the XV-1s). I am very impressed with the Dynavector cartridge. I listen primarily to orchestral music and jazz with a bit of rock music added to the mix occasionally. I have found that the top Dynavector cartridge significantly outperforms my previous cartridge (which I still regard as a great cartridge in its own right). The XV-1s is an excellent, well balanced performer that has world class dynamics and frequency extension as well as ultra-linear frequency response. It would also pair well with the VPI 9" tonearm that comes as standard equipment with the Super Scoutmaster turntable and that, I believe, has an effective mass of about 11g (resulting in a combined resonance frequency of about 10Hz when paired with the XV-1s).

So, based on my experience with the XV-1s, I can enthusiastically recommend the Dynavector line of cartridges. As some of the other posts above suggest, you might find that the XV-1s is more than you really need for the satisfying reproduction of rock music. That is a judgement call you will have to make for yourself. If you decide to go with one of the other cartridges in the Dynavector line, I think you will find that they are reasonably compatible with the JMW-9 tonearm, which, based on an effective mass of 11g (I am not sure of this number for this particular tonearm) would produce a combined resonance frequency with most of the other Dynavector cartridges in the range of 10Hz to 12Hz.

One other consideration is the available gain from your phono stage. The Dynavector cartridges have fairly low output (between 0.2 and 0.3 mV) and would require a fair amount of gain from your phono stage to reproduce rock music at satisfying volume levels. The Grado cartridges - especially those in the Reference line (5.0 mV output) - are less demanding of a phono stage. I don't know how much gain is provided by your Arcam MC phono stage or what the relative quality is of that phono stage, but, if you do go forward with the Super Scoutmaster and a top flight cartridge, I suspect you will be able to substantially improve your sound with the addition of a high quality stand-alone phono stage.
I use the Grado Ref, the Ref. with my VPI MK3 and Morch Arm and just love the sound of this cartridge.I posted and extensive review about my findings under Product Review.This particular cartridge sounds so natural and has this deep full big bass and midbass reproduction.Actually come to think of it ,the cartridge really comes alive when I play Supertramp Crime Of The Century on it.
I have not heard the Dyna line in a long time,But when they had the old Ruby line out I just thought they sounded to lean for my taste and not acurate in low freq. response.
If you have a system that leans toward a more bright forward sound I would choose the Grado which has a little more laid back sound then you would get from a Dynavector.
I'm trying to compare Apples to Oranges and I'm not sure if I'm doing this correctly,But don't get me wrong the $1,200.00 Ref. at the High Output 5.0 Mv. to me is your ticket to ride especially if you need that much gain in your phono stage.You don't mention what load your phono stage can handle,or go down to in Mv. output.We need to know this info so we can help assist you a little more.The Grado Staement only puts out .25 Mv. as far as I know and I'm told at its 2.5K asking price it is definately a top Dog Performer and can out gun them all.
Take Care
Happy Listening
Dear Teaquaman: I agree with Cincy bob, Tpsonic and other ones about the Dynavector cartridges, especially on the XV-1.

If you can afford, this is the cartridge to go: for any kind of music. You never heard best rock sound reproduction till you have the XV-1: Awesome !!!!

Regards and enjoy the music.
Stanhifi,The ONLY products I sell are those listed at Lloyd Walkers' website.I have worked for a number of audio stores,and wished to relate my experience.You seem to have a personal vendetta against me-what's up??
What products are you affiliated with? I don't follow you around AudioGon taking pop-shots.You may have experiences that are valuable to the members of this website.Actually ,I was deciding between a Dynavector and Shelter for my table-I chose the Shelter.Enough said!
Offering advice or recommendations on any product without disclosing your commericial status is quite unprofessional and I sir, question your motives and ethics. I shall continue to challenge any post without your disclosure. Unlike you I have no fiduciary interest in these products. What say you?