Any audio gifts for Christmas?

For those of us who celebrate Christmas, didja receive anything audio-related as a gift this year? I got two pairs of Maple Audio Works "Ambiance" interconnects. Hooked up my phono stage and CDP this morning using the Ambiance cables, now the break-in period begins.
Software and gift certificates for more software. We bought the daughter a dvd player so after dinner I get to dive into the rat's nest of wires she lives with and do the installation.
i bought my own "major" christmas gift: a boulder 1012 pre/dac, as i've indicated on a prior thread. it's pretty well broken in now and sounds FANTASTIC. i'm putting together a mini review for all you folks. my audio dealer is loaning me accuphase dp-75v and 85v players for comparison, so i'll be able to give some personal impressions of redbook vs. sacd for some discs done in both formats, using the boulder linestage and/or dac. i'm also trying to wrangle a burmester transport from another friend so that i can compare 16 and 24 bit digital output and st optical to aes/ebu and coax digital connectors. sounds like fun, eh? so, dekay, if you run outta stuff to occupy yourself, come to denver and lend a hand. BTW, was harry's movie on dvd? -kelly
I got and gave lots of software. We got my brother in law an entry level DVD. I've been treating myself to lots of hardware over the last few months and my wife is intimidated about getting me anything. OTOH, she got me an awesome 4.1 mp Sony digital camera which will swap batteries and memory with the Sony Mini-dv camera we got this summer. And my son is plugged in to his new Game Cube (purchased by his doting Mom). You've probably seen the guy going back three times into the electronic store (I forget which one); that was us. Trying single-handedly to revive the consumer economy. Now if one of you wants to give me a deal on the VAndy 3Asigs I've been looking for, I will continue to put more $ into circulation.
I gave myself a Christmas gift.I don't trust a "non-audiophile" to buy for me.I bought a 1m RCA Alpha-Core Micro Purl I.C. for my Adcom GFT 1A tuner.The tuner was a gift a few months back from a true audiophile friend who frequents this site now and then.
I gave as gifts many CD's.Music aways makes great gifts.
Senheisser HD600 headphones with an Antique Sound Labs MG tube headamp and lots of CD's.