Any audio gifts for Christmas?

For those of us who celebrate Christmas, didja receive anything audio-related as a gift this year? I got two pairs of Maple Audio Works "Ambiance" interconnects. Hooked up my phono stage and CDP this morning using the Ambiance cables, now the break-in period begins.
One of the nicest people I know got me a pair of Rockport Antares :) My lovely Ex, via the kids got me a pair of long underwear. I'm working on the Jungian/Freudian significance of that. I've subsequently put a large note on the Rockport crates that reads 'From your loving wife". I walk out into the freezing garage in my new long underwear just to read it, over and over and over..........:)
Yep! The great little Tivoli Audio radio designed by Henry Kloss. Have it in my office where for the first time I can actually get a listenable KANU, the U.of Kansas NPR outlet which plays mostly classical music for much of the day. My son bought it for me in Minneapolis for less than half the MSRP, because it was being sold as part of an inventory liquidation in the aftermath of a fire at a Sound Advice store in Florida! Apparently they were also selling some Krell & Conrad-Johnson stuff at comparable reductions.
Sean you're gonna have to give me a ride in that Vette now that you've spilled the beans regarding that trick.
The VPI just arrived this afternoon, but isn't even unboxed yet. Now I need to rearrange the rig in order to fit it in.
Just to make clear, although she received a nice assortment of Christmas goodies this year her favorite gift is that table radio. That thing sounds good! And very sensitive; we were even listening to the Martian broadcasting network on it this morning (actually that was the emergency weather-alert-network feature being tested; wow it really gets your attention!).
Oh I also forgot to mention that the new TT & tuner were paid for via my recent selloff of quite a bit of midfi equipment here on the Gon. As usual I lost some $ on the turnaround but still made enough to pay for the new goodies.
My wife and friends never buy audio stuff for me; I should have married an audiophile.