Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2005

I'm just wondering how many Agoners will be attending this year's fest?

Any word on any analog goodies this year?
I will get there around noon on friday, but I'm stuck in Denver until early monday morning. So far I'm booked into the Bradford, but I'm thinking of changing to the Marriott Courtyard, any advice???
Yes Nate, one piece of advice.

Don't ask the Bradford to get you reservations at the Marriott Courtyard.
We changed our inbound flight so we should be checked in at the hotel around 1pm on Friday. Let's plan on meeting somewhere and going to dinner. Any thoughts on this Albert and Nate? Larry?
You guys should still have my cell number, otherwise you can leave a message for me in my room. I'm in the same hotel.

I have a full size rent car and will drive anywhere we can agree on. I check in Thursday afternoon, so call me whenever.